Microsoft Windows Installation Process

Installation of Microsoft Windows

The world is using computers more and more, but nobody seems to care how the operating system is installed. Have you ever given thought to how to install the Microsoft Windows operating system on your laptop? Do you have a working knowledge of how to install an operating system? Interesting! Let's investigate how Windows 10 is installed.

A computer's hardware and other software

are controlled and managed by the robust Windows 10 Operating System (OS). Microsoft's Windows operating system is the industry standard for both home and office computers. The operating system (OS) was released in 1985 with many versions including Windows 7, 8, and 10. For Windows 10 to be installed successfully, the minimum hardware and compatibility specifications should be met. These specifications are:

  • Processor of 1GHz or faster

  • 1GB (32-bits) or 2GB (64-bits) RAM

  • Free hard disk space of 16 GB

  • Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver

  • A Microsoft account and Internet access

Other requirements will include a flash disk or DVD. Windows 10 provides openness, efficiency, security, stability, and customizability to the user by catering to certain sectors of the computing industry.

How to Install and use Windows 10 (clean Installation)

Step 1: Download the Windows 10 media creation tool from Microsoft. Click here to download Windows 10. Then create an installation DVD or flash drive.

Step 2: Create installation media for another media and make sure you select the correct type of installation media licensed for your PC (Home or Professional). Then select the language and bit version of Windows you want - 32-bits or 64-bits version of Windows here.

Step 3: Install the Windows from the USB disc or DVD inserted in the partition of your choice. Note: Your computer will restart several times during the installation. Use express settings or customize as you prefer.

Step 5: Provide your details and settings in the next processes. After successful installation, Windows will ask for information such as your email address and ask you to customize settings.

Step 6: You can do that yourselves or choose the express settings for default settings.

After all is done, you are ready to use your clean-installed Windows 10. You can check out the new features of the latest Windows version to get the most out of it.


In conclusion, Windows installation processes can be seen as a logical complex process but rather it's a simple stepped procedure. The importance of possessing relevant knowledge in the process cannot be overestimated. It is critical to have such skills due to OS breakdown or updating. In addition, possession of relevant knowledge of computer hardware and specification is necessary for installation.

Work Cited

Hoffman, Chris. “How To Do A Clean Install Of Windows 10, The Easy Way”. Howtogeek.Com, 2015,

Protalinski, Emil. “Microsoft Reveals Windows 10 Hardware Requirements And Upgrade Paths”. Venturebeat, 2015,

Rouse, Margaret. “What Is Microsoft Windows? – Definition From Whatis.Com”. Searchwindowsserver, 2014,

“How To Clean Install Windows 10”. Wikihow, 2017,

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