Justification for Abortion

Just as people are diverse in several aspects, opinions regarding abortions are equally diverse among people. They hold differing opinions on morals and ethical issues on abortions and whether or not it’s right or wrong. Abortion has elicited several issues within the society, moral, religious and legal issues. Some countries have legalized induced abortions while others are adamantly against the idea. Those in support of abortion hold the view that every woman has a right to their body and as such can do as they please. On the other hand, the anti-abortion campaigners claim that abortion is murder and that the fetus as its own rights that need to be protected. Besides, it did not choose to be in that situation, thus should not suffer the consequences of someone else’s actions.

Major Positions

The broadest views and positions that society holds about abortion are pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life advocates for the value of life and the right to life for the conceptus- mostly referred to as a fetus. Right from conception and the following few weeks the fetus has already begun developing some body parts. Between the third and fifth week, the hearts already started beating, the brain develops and other body parts like the eyes and limb buds begin to emerge. Evidently, life does begin right at conception (UKEssays, 2015). As such any abortion attempt can be out rightly be termed as murder. Pro-life arguments are based on its promotion of the right to live, most especially for the unborn, innocent lives that cannot voice their opinions. The attitude towards the fetus is very varying; nonetheless, pro- life demands that women have some sort of moral and ethical responsibility towards the unborn child. Additionally, women should take precautionary actions to avoid unwanted pregnancies to avoid the dilemma.

The other widely held view of the society is pro-choice, advocating for abortions. It’s through pro-choice that The Principal of individual freedom is voiced-people have the right and choice to determine what they deem fit for themselves and all that pertains to them. In defense, they consider the conceptus a part of the human body, and as such, they have a right over them and can choose to either keep it or abort. The debate of pro-choice is further extended to unwanted pregnancies and fetus with deformities (UKEssays, 2015). Therefore, abortions are an easy way out considering the burden on the woman and the society in terms of healthcare needs that these children will require.

Marquis position

Don Marquis supports pro-life arguments. Unless its life-threatening abortion is totally wrong and should be regarded as immoral. However, he exhibits different arguments that pro-choice and anti-abortionists hold. The principles held by pro-choice have a narrow scope that they do not encompass the fetus. For instance “its prima facie wrong to kill rational agents” or “being a person is what gives an individual intrinsic moral worth”. These principles do not incorporate mentally ill, retards as well as a fetus, as they consider them as not being rational (Marquis). As such, taking their life is not considered immoral or wrong. On the other hand anti-abortionist principles such as “it is always prima facie seriously wrong to end the life of a baby or human life” advocated for the sacredness of life and that it should be protected at all cost.

Don argues that abortions are tied to the deprivation of a bright and successful future entitled to the fetus. An analysis of the loss in the value of future, according to Marquis is that killing is far much a crime than any other, death in any other form is terribly bad, therefore death as a result of killing is equally bad, and other non-human such as animals to have a future and therefore killing them denies them that future (Marquis). In a nutshell, the future of any fetus probably does entail activities, projects, and experiences that are identical to those of young children as well as adults. As such, it follows that killing the fetus denies them the opportunity to experience these events therefore considered a grave act.

Judith Position

Judith opinion on abortion is that of a pro-choice. She supports abortion in certain circumstances. For instance, in the case of a rape, the woman is deemed to go through very traumatic experiences. What more if a child is conceived from this act? Their presence will forever be a constant reminder of the horrific act that they suffered at the hands of the rapist. Although anti-abortionist may not consider this as enough grounds of abortion, Judith is in total support, especially due to the aftermath effects that the woman is bound to experience. Her other argument pertains to when the life of the mother is in danger due to the fetus (Judith). Pro-life campaigners insist that there are other ways in which at least the fetus can be saved. However, Judith terms this as self-defense on the woman’s part and therefore should not be referred to as murder.

Ethical theories

Utilitarianism theory insists that individuals should engage in acts from which they derive full satisfaction. This is especially favorable to pro-choice supporters. In reference to abortion, pro-choice derives the most ethical entity, since they derive happiness from their actions. For instance, a pregnant drug addict will receive support to go ahead and perform the abortion for their own sake as well as that of the child. This will save everyone emotional, psychological, and physical torture that would result from the birth of the child (UKEssays, 2015). According to Kant’s categorical imperative, one’s actions are directed by rules and laws that guide the action. However, Kant considers killing another individual as being morally wrong as it denies them the right to live. In regard to abortion, Kant states that it is murder. Nonetheless, in contradiction, he also believes in goodwill. In case of abortion, under certain circumstances, it could be termed as an act of goodwill. This applies to life-threatening situations.


An alternative, as is suggested by pro-life supporters is an adoption of the child at birth. Women who are not willing nor able to bear the burden of raising children should seriously consider giving up the child for adoption. This way this child might find a better environment where they can go and thrive successfully. Abortions are definitely wrong and immoral. Fetus just like every other person has a right to live, and therefore nobody has the right to decide otherwise. The most exceptional incidences are only if carrying the pregnancy to term would pose a danger to the life of the mother as well as that of the child. Any other circumstance is utterly inexcusable. Women who are not ready to carry a pregnancy should be responsible enough for their actions, otherwise, they are not mature enough to engage in sexual activities, to begin with.


UKEssays, (2015). Examining Ethical Issues Surrounding Abortion Philosophy Essay. Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/examining-ethical-issues-surrounding-abortion-philosophy-essay.php on 31st July 2018.

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