Jack Sparrow's Leadership Approach

Leadership in Pirates of the Caribbean

Leadership can clearly be defined as the action of leading a group of individuals or the ability to do this. Basically, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a curse of the black pearl of the year 2003, which involves great entertainment, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. Unlike its exaggerated fun-filled ride at the Disney parks, the whole movie possesses a deeper meaning, not just the strategy of capturing the audience's attention. On a different dimension, the element of thematic that unifies the whole movie content can best be depicted within a summary of the plot accordingly. The plot of the movie is unique simply because it's a continuous concentration of scenes, whereby one event leads to the next one systematically. The captain of this movie is Jack Sparrow, who possesses a static type of characters which remains universal almost the same throughout the whole series. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate Jack Sparrow's approaches to leadership.

Approaches to Leadership

Essentially, Sparrow has shown great leadership approaches including styles and dimensions related to a good leader and a role model as well. The quality of doing actions but not only spitting them out is one of the greatest measures observed. Particularly, Jack Sparrow had a great target of reaching the Tortuga. Furthermore, Sparrow knew that he cannot get the ship by himself, so he had to find a Will Turner to act as an intermediary. A reflection of this strategy is that a certain individual can make up his or her mind and choose a certain course of action because they can do it. However, the action may not meet somebody's target accordingly. Sparrow has used the inclusive leadership dimension and style, whose obvious objectives are stability and acceptance as far as the movie is concerned. The dimension can clearly influence a big crowd of people via consistency and accommodate others (Sanjay 120).

Great Moments and Proactive Leadership

Great leaders do not only wait for great moments alone, all problems arising should be tackled with all what it takes to make sure that things are in full control. In a real sense, best moments are scared nowadays, and individuals have been used to cooperating in any way as long as people are much doing the right way (Sabiha 125). Leaders should make their move now and pave a clear pathway for the rest of individuals who are always behind them. Sparrow has acted as one of the greatest leaders of the series, a leader who has been ready for anything. His reactions to different video circumstances clearly show how much he is concerned with his people. Great leaders should seize each and every opportunity they can, not just waiting for easy moments in life. The strategy leads things to align at the end.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Setting one's destination means a lot when it comes to leadership. Good leaders are required to have set plans and objectives to be accomplished over a certain period of time. A realized success takes a longer duration of time, more than just a mere improvement of a specific measure. A variety of approaches in relation to goal setting like a creation of any customized roadmap to chart one's success is a good ideology. Basically, Sparrow has shown his greatest ideologies throughout the whole play. He is the captain of the whole plan and controls everything the way he wants it to be. That is one of the measures taken by great leaders. No advice should come up from any individual or any source material about how a great leader should perform things. Jack has used a deliberate leadership dimension which influences individuals via logic and systematic procedures (Parahoo 100).

Leadership Culture and Innovation

The way people interact, make proper decisions, and influence others is all that is called leadership culture. Innovative leaders possess leadership culture which grants great guidelines and measures to make sure that things are under great control. As a captain, Jack Sparrow's leadership culture has been portrayed by the way he handles stuff and events across the whole series. As a gentleman, he keeps evolving as time goes by. He makes sure that everyone has seen all that he is performing because there is no way Sparrow will repeat anything at any given time (Shaikha 115). This is a great example of leadership culture concerning leaders who are determined by what they are doing. Innovation is an essential strategy for leadership, not pertaining to product design alone. Measurement changes like surprising market moves and directions should be well focused in order to solve strategic measures and dimensions which might ruin great leadership qualities. As a leader, each and every tactic which has led one to succeed should never be repeated in any way. Strategic success repeatedly comes right away from the surprise created by all means. Sparrow is well aware of his competitors, which is a great advantage to any leader. Readiness for the next move is all associated with the captain, due to his variety of movements and tactics which he involves himself in.

Supportive Leadership

There has been the aspect of supportive leadership in "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie based on the operations conducted by Jack Sparrow. It is clear that a supportive leader tries to decrease workers' frustration and stress in their operations. It is an effective technique when an individual's working duty is stressful, tedious, and dangerous, although it may not be awesome if one's operational tasks are intrinsically motivating based on the fact that the individual does not require motivation in order to operate. Based on the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie, it is evident that Jack Sparrow depicts supportive leadership based on the position he plays in the movie. He leads for the wellness of his people, and as their leader, he is trustable to have been governing them in the right mechanism (Penrod 89).

Effective Interpersonal Association

Jack Sparrow has helped create and sustain effective interpersonal associations amongst his individuals in the movie. A leader who is friendly and considerate toward his individuals has the highest chance of winning their loyalty, as well as friendship. This leads to the formation of emotional ties which makes it easy to attain reinforcement and cooperation from these individuals on whom the leader is supposed to depend on to get the activities accomplished. It is actually contenting to conduct activities with an individual who is supportive, cooperative, and friendly than an individual who is worse, impersonal, or cold. Jack Sparrow constantly led "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie based on the fact that he was cooperative and supportive in every activity that was to take place. As a leader, people sought and still seek ideas on what to do next which implies that they trusted his decisions and support he offered them (Sabiha 122).

Exercising Leadership Position

It is significant for leaders to exercise their state of leadership. If a leader exercises his or her position, one's individuals are likely to be more contented with what the individual does, as well as their duties in any play. In an attempt of exercising his leadership position, Jack Sparrow shows acceptance and encouraging behavior based on his associates. Additionally, Sparrow has been acting politely and considerate and thus doing away with behaviors that can ruin the coordination of the movies. For effective coordination of the play, the actors have to be led on what to politely in order to offer their best. As a leader, Sparrow ensured that actors' suit the role one has to depict in the movie in order to offer the best (Sanjai 125).

Leadership and Movie Success

Not every movie is appreciated globally implying that there is what has been done in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie to be ranked as one of the best series over the past more than ten years. This aspect is often based on the leadership exercised in a movie. Poor leadership leads to generation or production of poor results based on any operation conducted. The top ranking depicted by "Pirates of the Caribbean" series has been generally based on the leadership adopted in the coordination of actors. There is more to leadership than just being a leader. Therefore, when an individual has been granted that chance, one is supposed to put into practice and exercise leadership qualities for the wellness of governed individuals. Jack Sparrow ensured that he practiced his leadership qualities to make the series moving hence he is among the top leaders that deserve emulation.

Understanding One's Leadership

Understanding one's leadership is a vital strategy which leaders should consider the most. As a great leader, Jack Sparrow has greatly shown his abilities and steps as a good leader, by acting and bringing up new ideologies about a variety of issues arising. Significantly, his role of being a great leader has greatly been shown by being in front of his colleagues always, not even behind or at the back. This shows that war leaders and even other ordinary leaders should serve as great role models by being at the first line, giving clear directions and guidelines about certain or specific issues (Parahoo et al., 120).

Final Decision Maker

Although Jack Sparrow works hand in hand with two other individuals, he is the overall, the final decision maker across the whole series. A good leader should be the final decision maker in any of the organizations that he or she might be supervising. Working together with other leaders who are below you is easier than those at the same level as an individual. This means that Sparrow's directions and guidelines are always respected by the whole group of people no matter what happens. He is the final decision maker of the series, whereby great leadership strategies have specifically been illustrated with all what it takes (Parahoo et al.78). In addition to that, Sparrow possesses unique fighting techniques as the series goes by. This shows that leadership means a lot, and a good leader should have his or her own strategies of succeeding like Jack Sparrow. Leadership qualities and styles apply to this measure, so as to achieve the set goals and objectives in life, in an organization and also in other related measures of the same kind respectively.

Work cited

Parahoo, Sanjai K., Sabiha Mumtaz, and Shaikha Salem. "Modelling organisational innovation       in UAE: investigating the love triangle involving leadership, organisational culture and      innovation." International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 1.1 (2017): 110-126.

Penrod, Amanda K. Authentic leadership in US skilled nursing facilities: A multiple case study.   Diss. Capella University, 2017. 89

Parahoo, Sanjai K., Sabiha Mumtaz, and Shaikha Salem. "Modelling organisational innovation       in UAE: investigating the love triangle involving leadership, organisational culture and      innovation." International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 1.1 (2017): 110-126.

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