Introducing a new product in the market

By breaking the market down into smaller, recognizable divisions, market segmentation turns marketing into a science. Client populations that respond to marketing initiatives make up each group. Targeting, segmenting, and positioning must be done before introducing new products to the market. After the introduction of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus, iPhone 8 is the next big thing. Most likely in 2018, the company will release its next line of smartphones.
Product segmentation is done primarily for the organization to enable the creation of distinct things that include modest basic variations and the marketing of such items to different clienteles (Hollensen, 2015). When segmentation is done using different brand names. The most crucial decision of iPhone 8 introduction to the market is on how to distribute the product in China because the company has superior connections there. Apple would also expand their market and approaches in other countries (Dudovskiy, 2017).


Targeting is an illustration or representation of the response about the new product upon its introduction in the market. Target marketing guides a company on which potential client segment to concentrate or focus. Segmentation and targeting are critical in identifying clients that are an appropriate match for business items and administrations. The main aim of iPhone 8 marketing approach is separating the former PDA’s on the market from the other iPhones in the market. Centre upper profits expert are our major purchaser targets who require a single portable apparatus that helps them organize their tight schedules and communicate with friends, people as well as age groups. Schools, universities, and graduate learners require a single portable gadget that is multifunctional hence it makes them the secondary customer targets.

Positioning Strategy

Making more money from iPhone 8, for Apple brand, will be the main objective as well as connecting it to the significant position. Apple has invested a lot on the product through advertisement.

Overall strategy

Setting targets, segmentation, and positioning are useful methodologies because they enhance periodic meetings through Apple’s board. From this position, it will be possible to position and display relevant information and make a sustained marketing attempt proposal. The marketing group could hold a private meeting and discuss the marketing proposals.

Segmentation and targeting choices

Multiple shopper research we are used indirectly gets a better iPhone with the transformation of the market. Appreciation of the iPhone by the world could be assessed by using center group comments from shopper surveys consciously conducted studies. To ensure that iPhone 8 reaches the target market and customers, the targets could be defined as well as making the areas of target significant (McDonald, 2012).

Characteristics of the target market

Demography, psychographic and geographic location are some of the features of a target market. The iPhone 8 target market comprises of loyal buyers who are enthusiastic about the company’s new products and are willing to pay more to get the latest version.

The positioning strategy

Product positioning involves the creation of a unique and reliable perception of the products and company to the purchaser. Products in the same group can be positioned in numerous different ways.


Directing research adverts enables organizations to incorporate division marketing. Teams involved should use demographic inquiries to find out which demographic gatherings include large client based parts.


Dudovskiy, J. (2017). Apple Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning - Research Methodology. Research Methodology. Retrieved 5 August 2017, from

Hollensen, S. (2015). Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education.

McDonald, M. (2012). Market Segmentation: How to Do It and How to Profit from It. John Wiley & Sons.

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