Illegal Immigration in Developed Countries

Illegal Immigration and Its Challenges

Illegal immigration has become a major challenge, especially in developed countries. Illegal immigration is the movement of people into a country in ways that breach the immigration laws of that country. The term can also be used to describe the situation in which individuals opt to remain within a nation despite the expiry of their time. Research identifies that most of the people that are illegally in a country trace their homes from poorer countries (Pierce, Bolter, \\\" Selee, 2018). Most seek to improve their lifestyle by moving into developed countries. The violation of a nation\u2019s immigration laws puts the perpetrators at the risk of being detained, deported or facing any other sanctions (Levy, 2010). However, even as countries determine the form of punishment for the foreigner, it is advisable that the policies such as those developed by the European Convention on Human Rights, and the Refugee Convention are assessed and applied. This is due to the fact that measures such as deportation may be prohibited in incidences where home countries do not accept the person, the foreigner\u2019s national background cannot be determined and deportation would cause serious health consequences on the foreigner (Levy, 2010).

Debates on Government Benefits for Undocumented Immigrants

In a country such as America, debates revolving around whether undocumented immigrants should have access to government benefits have been argued differently. This work focuses on establishing that illegal immigrant should be denied government benefits.<\/p>

The Factors Promoting Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration into countries is promoted by a number of factors such as high levels of poverty in home countries, trade liberalizations, violence, and wars. The immigration departments of various countries usually have strict measures that limit the number of individuals that are awarded legal documents for immigration. Individuals move illegally into countries despite being aware of the kind of harsh conditions that they may face such as lack as lack of access to services, slavery, kidnapping, injury, and illnesses (Levy, 2010). Some governments have however developed policies that ensure immigrants receive government benefits that provide them with food, security, health services and places of residence. Individuals have justified the move through the identification that illegal immigrants provide governments with taxes that are even higher than the amounts of money that the government spends on their welfare. Besides, they promote the economic development of a country through their skills and knowledge.<\/p>

The Burden of Government Benefits for Illegal Immigrants

However, it should be made clear to nations that undocumented immigrants should be denied government benefits. The presence of the individuals within a country increases the nation\u2019s population, and the situation even becomes worse when the persons give birth. Hence, if nations opt to offer their benefits to illegal immigrants, it is highly likely that they will increase their expenditure (Pierce et al., 2018). Countries that are not well funded may experience a financial crisis. Furthermore, citizens in nations with illegal immigrants lack value for their taxes. The large amounts of money used by the federal, state and local governments in sustaining illegal immigrants could be used in enhancing the lifestyle of its own citizens, and foreigners present in the nation legally (Gans, Replogle, \\\" Tichenor, 2012). According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, there are approximately over 12.5 million immigrants in America that cost the government close to $134.9 billion annually (O\u2019Brien and Raley, 2017). The expenses of the governments could also be greater especially due to the fact that governments lack actual information on the numbers of individuals present in the nation illegally. Hence, as authorities supply government benefits, there would be a great stress on the available resources at a rate that could compromise the quality of the delivered services.<\/p>

The Educational and Socioeconomic Impact of Illegal Immigrants

A more reason as to why the illegal immigrants should be denied government benefits is due to the fact that a majority of them are usually less educated and less skilled. Even though the current situation is not as worse as it was in the past centuries, most of these individuals from less developed countries are less educated. Hence, they only become a burden to their foreign countries since they find it hard to fit in the job market. Their contribution towards the nation\u2019s economic development is limited, and reliance on government benefits becomes their sole way of surviving in the foreign land (Gans et al., 2012). Besides, giving government benefits to the illegal immigrants empowers them and could promote their vulnerability to committing crimes. Programs such as food stamps, medication support as well as housing incentives create a conducive environment for the development of criminal acts that put the lives of many citizens at risk. The American nation, for instance, suffered a terrible attack in September 2001 that were perpetrated by illegal immigrants (Golash-Boza, 2015). The scenario made the nation tighten its ruled towards illegal immigration. There is the need that other nations take up lessons from such incidences, and develop the right measures that discourage immigration.<\/p>

Encouraging Legal Immigration through Denying Government Benefits

Governments need to develop the right legal measures that discourage illegal immigration by making the conditions within the country unfavorable for these individuals. One of the most effective ways of achieving the goal is by denying the individual's government benefits. For instance, in 2017 the American government enacted the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) Act that aimed at limiting government benefits to undocumented immigrants among other measures discouraging the presence of illegal immigrants within the nation (Pierce et al., 2018). The American president, Donald Trump, recognizes the heavy burden that the American government bears at the hands of numerous immigrants present within its territories. Other nations should take up similar steps, and focus on protecting their citizens as well as the resources available to them.<\/p>


In conclusion, it is evident that illegal immigrants within any nation are a burden, and should, therefore, be denied government benefits. Allowing them to access the benefits stresses on taxpayers\u2019 money as well as a country\u2019s resources. While many may find the approach unethical, denying illegal immigrants benefits should be an approach that is aimed at encouraging them to get entry into a country using the right and legally accepted platforms.<\/p>


Federation for American Immigration Reform: “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers” by Matt O'Brien and Spencer Raley. Published on September 27, 2017).Retrieved from:

(Accessed on November 11, 2018).

Gans, J., Replogle, E. M., " Tichenor, D. J. (Eds.). (2012). Debates on US immigration. Sage.

Golash-Boza, T. M. (2015). Immigration nation: Raids, detentions, and deportations in post-9/11 America. Routledge.

Levy, J. (2010). Illegal Immigration and Amnesty: Open Borders and National Security. The Rosen Publishing Group.

Pierce, S., Bolter, J., " Selee, A. (2018). US Immigration Policy under Trump: Deep Changes and Lasting Impacts.

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