There is clearly violence in Myanmar that preceded the 2012 waves of deadly violence in Rakhine state's western regions. There have recently been numerous reports of sexual violence, which have been followed by extensive local disputes throughout the region. Riots, arguments, killings, and allegations have all been reported in the area. The majority of the war's victims are Rohingya men, women, and children. Because the region is ethnically diverse, the government has been tasked with resolving the situation.
The authorities have been said to be quite hesitant in dealing with the protests. Some of the measures that have been reported include nighttime curfews and declarations of states of emergency in specific situations. However, amidst the crisis, the authorities have not been able to prevent the emergence of the incidences. Although there are attempts to assist the fleeing Muslims, in most cases the authorities have been linked to fuelling unrest either directly or indirectly ("A Documentary Film Of Rohingya Cleansing In Arakan Of Burma"). However, the government has rejected the allegations and argues that the outside world does not understand the dire situation in the region.
The violence began as what is seen as communal mistrust among the communities and progressively exploited by the military rule to become a crisis. The current regime has been associated with inadequate response and the continuation of violence among the Rakhine people who are made up by both Muslims and Buddhists. The Muslims in this region originated from Bengal refer themselves to as Rohingya ("A Documentary Film Of Rohingya Cleansing In Arakan Of Burma"). This group has been accused as the originator of violence. The ultimate effects of the clashes are that they have destabilized the democracy of Myanmar with the rest of the world watching how the government responds to a potential crisis.
A documentary on Rohingya Cleansing in Arakan of Burma similarly attests of the violence, rape, and killings mostly affecting the Rohingya in Myanmar. The victims who are refugees who have fled their homes to camps in Bangladesh tell of their accounts as refugees that left Myanmar to go live in Bangladesh. The stories further confirm that the military is indeed involved in perpetrating the violence. Much of the military injustices have been conducted in these of the counter-insurgency campaign (Ellen). The campaign being conducted to ensure that there is total disarmament of the area. In line with the reports of the human rights organizations, the militants have been accused of shooting at random raping girls and women, setting houses on fire by using rocket launchers.
The government on its side has continuously denied the allegations that have further raised the government being criticized for committing violence in the villages in the region. The government operation which has been termed as clearing has been developed for the civilians leading to the displacement of more than 65000 individuals to Bangladesh. The unrest triggered by the military action has further instigated radicalization among the Rohingya stirring more violence in the region. The situation let after the operation is dire with most of the homes having been razed and several people killed. Children have not been left out with some as young as ten being shot and some even killed (Ellen). Therefore, although meant to restore peace, the government operation has led to even more violence as the government fails to control the religious violence that has left several people injured, others displaced, and others are joining radicalized groups.
Works Cited
"A Documentary Film of Rohingya Cleansing In Arakan of Burma." Youtube, 2017,
Barry, Ellen. "'There Are No Homes Left': Rohingya Tell Of Rape, Fire, And Death In Myanmar." Nytimes.Com, 2017,
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