How God Has Spoken to Me Through His Word

Nehemiah was a Jewish man who lived outside of Jerusalem. He was a man of integrity and was trusted by others (BibleGateway, 2015). During the time, he heard the plight of his people in Jerusalem, rescued them, and rebuild their walls. This paper seeks to discuss how God speaks to his people and how to use the things that are learned for his glory.

Ways through Which God Has Spoken To Me

Through his Word

As a Christian, the word of God through the bible is our daily bread (BibleGateway, 2015). It offers guidelines on how we should live. It tells us what to do and what not do. The word of God tells Christians what is expected of them and how to live with others.

Through Prayer

Prayer is another means through which God communicates to us. We make our requests known to Him through prayer. Through constant prayer, our minds become more transparent and our hearts more sensitive. Answering prayers is a way that God speaks to us.

Through Gospel Music

Gospel music is another way that God speaks to Christians. The messages in the songs usually lift my spirits by bringing a soothing comfort, and passion that opens my heart to hear what God wishes to communicate.

Through Dreams and Visions

Just the way God spoke to people in the bible through dreams and visions so does He today. People often have dreams that carry messages from God and others have the gifts of interpreting them.

Through Others

God often sends another person like a friend, parent, or pastor to convey his message to us. You should be wise to confirm the message you hear God by seeking its affirmation from wise counsel.

How to Use the Things Learnt, For the Glory God

From Nehemiah's story, we learn to pray repentantly and expectantly. Praying for the forgiveness of our sins and that of others is crucial (BibleGateway, 2015). We should pray expecting them to be answered. This brings glory to God since he expects us to put our hope and trust solely in Him. No matter the challenges, we glorify God by trusting the process. We learn that he always fulfills his promises and keeps the covenants made with his people.

From this story, we learn that God will always come to the rescue of his people. We can thus glorify him by trusting that no matter the circumstance, He will never leave nor forsake us. Focusing on the task ahead of us helps to praise God (BibleGateway, 2015). We should not allow distractions to detract us from achieving our spiritual goals. The message is that every journey we pursue - in business or personal life; has its oppositions.


Nehemiah demonstrated complete obedience. As Christians, we learn to put our trust in God and obey him fully. Trusting God will help to bring a breakthrough in our personal lives and our businesses. We should pray under all circumstances because God answers.


BibleGateway. (2015). Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem. Retrieved on 2nd February 2018 from"version=NLT

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