How An Individual Can Get Away With Murder

Circumstances under which a person should be able to get away with murder. An individual may be able to get away with murder if the evidence is not abundant as people think. Most of the crime scenes are not covered with DNA or fingerprints. Sometimes the evidence may be destroyed. On the case of Lizzie Borden, she was able to get away with murder because she destroyed some evidence. Lizzie burnt down her dress. The murder weapon which was the ax head did not have any blood on it to incriminate Lizzie.

The other circumstance under which a person may be able to get away with murder is when the suspect is cool under crisis. Hence, they realize they have to divert attention away from themselves, and thus they mislead the police. Lizzie Borden gave conflicting statements when she was asked where she was when her parents were killed (Booth 2017).

Other time, an individual can get away with murder when the witness is absent, or people who could help are not willing to come forward. In Borden case, there was no witness found on the scene of the crime. Hence, this made it challenging to determine whether she was guilty or not.

The other circumstance where a person may get away with murder by outshining at impressing people. A murder suspect knows what to say and do to convince people that they are not a threat. Lizzie was able to impress members of the jury, and hence they delivered the verdict not guilty. She shed tears in court to show she was innocent.

A person may get away with murder by looking relaxed and normal like other innocent people. It’s hard to tell a dangerous person since some can live a normal life. When Lizzie was arrested for her parent murder, she did not attract much attention to herself, and she tried to remain as calm as possible. Even after she is released from jail, she is able to live a normal life.

Work cited

Booth Robert. “Getting away with murder”. Vengeful Daughter: How Lizzie Borden got away with murder. 6 Dec 2017.

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