Dylan's "Angel on Our Side"
Dylan's "Angel on Our Side" was written during the volatile days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, which took the world to the verge of nuclear catastrophe.
Reaction to Discrimination
As a consequence, the album is a reaction to the country's discrimination. Dylan emphasizes the inconsistency that occurs between residual philosophies such as patriotism, white nationalism, and social justice on several occasions. As a result, the poem expresses personal frustrations about community injustices.
Disappointment and Irritation
Dylan's viewpoint is that she is disappointed and irritated, as reflected in the lyrics. He was weary as hell and felt the confusion that ain't no tongue can tell (verse 9, line 2 and 3). What confuses him most is that he has the belief that God proposes a just system but the reality is that injustices are perpetrated by people who professedly serve God. To better portray his message he uses irony as blood and shameful leave him wondering that if God really exists in the lives of the unjust religious people then why he really allows the tragedies to materialize. She has no more strength to endure it any longer (verse 3, line 4).
Music and Message
The music perfectly fits the message of the poem because irony and other poetic devices are accurately utilized. Possible solutions to the underlying problem of patriotism and unjust dealings are also dealt with. However, it seems that Dylan finds it very difficult to deal with God's predestination and foreknowledge. Therefore, man is still trapped in the fire of space and time. However, he still maintains that even though God's predestination and foreknowledge abound, nevertheless man is still morally responsible and accountable for his actions in the world.