Gender equality has been a controversial issue in the entertainment industry. When it comes to pay, there is a huge gap between males and females. Females are paid less than half of what their male counterparts receive in the same movie, same character. Even though there have been speculations about the gender imbalance particularly following the production of strong lead female characters in many films, still it is not up to par with the male counterparts. The society tends to have a lower perception of women. Powerful men find it hard to give power to women. Gender roles have been entrenched in the common perception that women can never be trusted with money, huge responsibilities or have the ability to deal with tough issues. In as much as such stereotypes are getting defied every day, there is no full embracement of women in many aspects of life.
Renowned talk host Oprah Winfrey recently at the golden globe gave a powerful speech on the systematic inequality that is deeply engraved in the entertainment industry. Winfrey’s speech, however, gave a ray of optimism. She stated that it is the women who shall empower other women and take them to higher levels. The women at the event wore black as a representation of the “me too movement which protested against widespread sexual harassment against women in workplaces. Oprah Winfrey was the first black woman to be awarded with Cecil B. DeMille award. In her speech, she discussed the topics of gender inequality together with racial discrimination.
Winfrey did trace the nation’s evolution with the story of Recy Taylor, an African American woman who was gang-raped by white men and told to keep quiet. Winfrey stated, "She lived, as we all have lived, too many years in a culture broken by brutally powerful men. And for too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of those men. But their time is up. Their time is up. Their time is up." (Gilbert and Latham)
Oprah went on to state that she just hopes that Recy Taylor who died 10 days prior to the Golden Globes awards ceremony dies knowing that women are now fighting for their voice to be heard. Back in the day women were abused sexually, emotionally and verbally and they had no one to turn to since they were or are still deemed as the lesser gender. Majority of them suffered in the hand of men they were afraid to report. The African American women further suffered the most particularly in the Jin Crow error. People of color then were regarded as unworthy and were seen as the properties of the white men. Therefore the white men could do whatever they wanted with them with no one questioning them. Recy Taylor rape occurred in this horrendous era of Jim Crow, and certainly, there was no one to turn to.
Women were tormented for years, and often there are some who speak up, but they end up being discriminated against. There are some women who speak up against their bosses sexual abuse, and they end up getting fired. Winfrey additionally seemed to have touched on President Trump without actually mentioning the name. Trump had previously made some unpleasant comments about women which were seen to be bordering sexual abuse or misconduct. Oprah stated,
"[We] know that it is the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice. To tyrants and victims and secrets and lies. I want to say that I value the press more than ever before, as we try to navigate these complicated times. Which brings me to this: What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have." (Gilbert and Latham).
Oprah celebrated women who have achieved a lot in the entertainment industry and how their stories are being told to inspire others. Time is up was the main theme of the event. Women as Oprah stated, shall not tolerate sexual misconduct in their places of work and they shall not keep quote anymore.
Although Winfrey has been a powerful player in the entertainment sector for many decades, she was aware that women across all sectors are all fighting sexual abuse and gender inequality. Winfrey also appreciated women who endure a lot, for instance, an abusive spouse so as to take care of their children. There are wives who are abused by their husbands but stay in abusive marriages just for the sake of their kids. Women endure years of abuse just to make ends meet and have their children pursue their dreams.
Reverberating the commitment of time is up movement, she took note of the sacrifices and suffering of women in different industries. The mention of Taylor cemented the commitment of me too movement where women have come forth to share their stories on sexual abuse. Previously, women could not be heard or taken seriously if they reported their sexual harassment, in line with the time is up movement, Winfrey underlined the fact that women are no longer silent anymore. Their voices must be heard.
Winfrey also appreciated the men who ensure that women have a very successful representing the two oppressed groups, that is the women and the people of color. Although she is quite successful herself, Winfrey was happy that young black girls have someone to look up to just like she did in Sidney Poitier when she was young. Poitier was the first African American to win an academy award and Golden Globe awards for the best actor.
Winfrey hoped that women and girls watching the show to know that they will never be taken for granted again. Girls and women in future should never have to endure sexual harassment and gender inequality anymore. Winfrey hopes that the future is bright for all who dared to dream and they can achieve whatever they want without fear. Women, therefore, shall speak their mind and pursue their dreams without fear for anyone. Time has come where men will have to listen to these women and pay respect to them.
Oprah Winfrey’s speech brought the point home as Golden Globe Awards was the first major even of the year in the wake of sexual harassment scandal that rocked the entertainment industry and sparked a nationwide movement. No one could have tackled the issue better than the well-respected veteran o the industry. Winfrey is known as an excellent talk show host whom guest open to her about their most innermost thoughts and fears. A highly respected woman, therefore, tackling the issues of racial discrimination, gender equality, and sexual harassment underlined the importance of such issues. No one could have done it better than her.
Work Cited
Gilbert, S. and Latham, T."Full Transcript: Oprah Winfrey's Speech At The Golden Globes". The Atlantic, 2018, Accessed 1 Mar 2018.