Future of Agriculture

Technology and its Impact on Agricultural Operations

Technology has improved farmers' agricultural operations in recent years. The employment of contemporary farming techniques has increased in an effort to boost food yield at lower sustaining costs. However, technology has also brought with it risks like nitrate pollution, eutrophication, and increased soil salinity, among many other environmental harms (Federico, 2005).

Strategies for Producing a Small Garden with a Variety of Crops

This essay examines the strategies farmers may use when deciding to produce a small garden with a variety of crops. The techniques that shouldn't be employed will also be covered.

Techniques to Increase Output and Minimize Environmental Harm

A variety of techniques can be used in the garden to increase output while minimizing environmental harm. Firstly, it will be ensured that organic farming which involves use of organic manure such as animal residue and matter to provide the soil nutrients is applied. Organic manure improves the soil characteristics, living organisms, soil fertility, and water retention. All these factors are vital for the growth of crops. Secondly, practising polyculture where a number of crops are grown on the same piece of land will be used. This fact is vital since it reduces susceptibility to diseases in the small parts of land. Additionally, it improves and enhances local biodiversity which aids in pest control. Therefore, this process will improve the yields using the small plot of land. Finally, Integrated Pest Control method which will help control pests without using pesticides will be employed (Federico, 2005).

Avoiding Monoculture and Minimizing the Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides

Conversely, efforts will be made to avoid monoculture, which is the planting of one type of crop season after season. This method reduces the ability to diversify and maximize crop productivity. In addition to that, excessive use of fertilizers and commercial pesticides will be minimized. These steps have the ability to affect soil pH, structure, and soil salinity which leads to poor yields. Furthermore, the process will eliminate the poor methods of tilling land since they encourage soil pollution and erosion. When the land is not tilled well the soils become loose and hence end up being carried by running water. As a result low crop yields are obtained (Federico, 2005).


Thus, while setting the garden, methods that aim at using organic material and preserve the environment will be applied. These methods, in turn, will ensure higher productivity and reduction in costs.


Federico, G. (2005). Feeding the world: An economic history of agriculture, 1800-2000. Princeton University Press.

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