Free Healthcare Services in The United States of America

Healthcare is the most significant factor in every economy yet in the United States of America, it is considered the most expensive service. The economy of a nation depends on the wellbeing of its population growth cannot be realized if the populace cannot afford medication. Unaffordability of the medication services leads to deaths that could have otherwise been avoided depriving the economy of able and energetic and productive individuals. To address this, the government should provide free healthcare services since it will ensure the wellbeing of the populace who will help in the economic growth of the nation.


Millions of the American population are either underinsured or uninsured because of the poor economy or lack of employment among other reasons. With the implementation of the free health care system, no individual will be turned away from a medical facility courtesy of their failure to meet their medical expenses. It will ensure free medication to everyone. Free healthcare is regarded as the universal healthcare where the citizens of a nation get treatment for free in medical facilities across the nation, it guarantees essential services such as curative procedures, medication, and the diagnostic tools.

Health Care for All

Provision of free healthcare services is for the benefit of the entire population. president Barack Obama  said, “I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year’’ (Obama  527). In his speech, the president understood that the cost of healthcare in America is high and might not be affordable to other families. Paying part of the premium was a relief to the poor and the needy in the society who had difficulty in raising the premium. Nonetheless, besides the payment of part of the premium, there is still a fraction of the population who cannot still raise the remaining amount. It is for such families in the society who do not have health insurance that the free healthcare services are most significant.

Reduced Administrative Costs

The enrolment of free healthcare services will insinuate that all the services will be provided under one administration hence reducing competition in the healthcare industry which automatically reduces the cost of medical care. One administration ensures cost-effective and smoother way of administration saving time on the processing of the claims. It will enhance the pace at which health care services are provided to the patients since no much time is spend to undergo through the payment and transaction procedure.

Improvement in Medical Services

The United States of America has a shorter life span and a high infant mortality rate. Regular checkups and preventive medicine are not practiced by many Americans courtesy of the high cost. The citizens are forced to struggle with expensive hospital bills when they fall sick, but with the free healthcare services, there will be equal medical opportunities for all Americans (Frean et al. 858).

Every national government is mandated to serve the citizens. Public healthcare is one of the key areas the government focusses their attention on. The citizens of a country have the benefit of receiving free medical care services anywhere across the nation. Though it may be considered as the noblest thing for a first class nation like the United States of America, free healthcare has some drawbacks.

There is a high likelihood of provision of poor quality of services with the anticipation of free health services. Like any other business, the healthcare industry is aimed at making profits and to attract more clients, they have to offer the best services. With the enrolment of free medication, the healthcare care facilities are bound to overcrowd. The high number of patients in a facility is may compromise the quality of services in a medical facility.

During his tenure, the former president of the United States of America, Barack Obama postulated, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” (Obama 562). In his speech, he meant that the citizens are not forced to use the subsidized medical services. They were free to use their doctors and healthcare plans if they could afford. Likewise, free medication is not mandatory. Private hospitals will still be allowed to operate, and the citizens who wish to access premium services are not limited to use the free healthcare services, they can as well used the paid services.

Besides the overcrowding, free health care services may lead to a shortage of nurses and doctors. According to Dr. Neil Sharma, Minister of Health in Fiji, "shortages of doctors and nurses is a common occurrence in every part of the world, and Fiji is not an exception’’ (Frean et al. 860). Free medical services encourage people to go for medical checkups and treatments which increases the doctor to patient ratio in a facility.


A society is made up of different classes of people from different economic backgrounds. There is a fraction of the population that may find free healthcare services to be of no use but at the same time, it would be the best thing the government can do to some people. As mention by the former president, those who are satisfied with their doctor and health insurance plan, can keep them. The free medication is for the aid of the needy and the vulnerable in the society who cannot afford health insurance cover or cost of treatment.

Works Cited

Frean, Molly, et al. "Health reform and coverage changes among Native Americans." JAMA internal medicine 176.6 (2016): 858-860.

Moore, Gordon T. "Let’s Provide Primary Care to All Uninsured Americans—Now!." Jama 319.21 (2018): 2240-2240.

Obama, Barack. "United States health care reform: progress to date and next steps." Jama 316.5 (2016): 525-532.

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