Essays on World War I

The Theme of War in the Poem "For The Fallen" and "The Wound in Time"

Language used in poetry or the works of literature affects the audience differently thus interpretation can also vary. Interpretation of words used can lead to varying ideas about the feelings of the writer even when he/she has not indicated in the work (Mayo 131). This essay compares and contrasts use...

Words: 1716

Pages: 7

Biltmore Estate and the Impact on Appalachia

George Vanderbilt started construction on the Biltmore mansion in Ashville in 1889. The building process took six years, and the year 1895 saw the formal opening. A self-sustaining environment was intended to be the building's background as they introduced livestock breeding and food cultivation. (Bryan, 2014). The farm introduced the...

Words: 2898

Pages: 11

Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand

Anzac Day Anzac Day is a national holiday in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in World War I. It is celebrated on 25 April each year and is a time to remember those who died in wars and...

Words: 531

Pages: 2

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