Ethical Issues in Urban Slums

The two parties involved in this case study

The two parties involved in this case study are the slum dwellers and the sociologist. There are ethical concerns which are portrayed by both parties. First, the researcher is dishonest. After learning that some members of the slum are involved in car theft, the sociologist fails to report them to the authority. Perhaps one of the reasons why the sociologist chose to keep silent is because while studying a subculture, they must earn one's trust. If the researcher would have reported them, then it was likely he would not have learnt anything from the group. Dishonesty is an issue which leads to the prevalence of dark secrets in the society.

Another ethical concern present in the case study is poverty

Another ethical concern present in the case study is poverty. There are high poverty levels among the slum dwellers. For this reason, they readily engage in risky activities. They are involved in car theft ring, which is against the law and could land them at the hands of the law enforcement agencies. Nevertheless, most urban slums have illegal activities going on within the parameters since they are trying to make a living. Most members of the community do not consider ethical obligations, all they do is try to survive by any possible means.

Work Cited

Ruggiero, Vincent R. Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015.

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