Discrimination of Internet Service Providers

The internet has become one of the tools that is used by people at all times for various reasons including communication, managing their jobs, providing services to customers and for general entertainment, among others. As a result, internet services have been on demand from all over the globe, especially in businesses and homes. The internet service providers, however, after realizing the high demand for internet services, have decided to have packages that can be selected by individuals who opt for these services.

These internet providers discriminate the consumers based on the users, content, platforms, equipment used and method of communication in determining the price to charge for these internet services. As a result, a single user is charged a lower amount compared to when the users are two or more, even if the amount of bandwidth used is the same. This means that the charges for internet services are compensated for differently. By having the same data charges for internet services offered to homes, businesses, and to other people in different situations, there will be improved diversity and discrimination will be eliminated.

Background of Internet Services

For a long time, internet usage was higher in businesses and companies that had the necessary resources to obtain the connections. As a result, homesteads would not be fitted with these connections as the equipment required for internet connection was relatively expensive and thus less accessible. However, due to the advancement of technology, access to cheaper equipment that would be used in providing access to the internet was possible. According to Syed, Sheraz, manufacture of routers that were smaller made wireless internet connection standards the most appropriate means of providing internet solutions to more people (154). However, since the providers are still in business, they would charge for the services they offer to both businesses and homes depending on packages. This gave rise to the variation of pricing on internet services depending on a variety of factors inclusive of the location, content viewed, the type of equipment used, purpose of using the internet among other aspects.

Discrimination of these Internet Providers

The internet service providers are known to discriminate their customers particularly because of their differences in using these internet services, the services they are subscribed to, websites they visit and even how they communicate using these internet services. One of the concerns rises because these Internet service providers are able to monitor the usage patterns for their customers, and at times, even access the websites and services they have been using (Adams, Helen R., and Christopher Harris 9). This means that there is a higher chance that privacy of the customers is not respected by these internet service providers as they try to determine the data and websites that are visited in the process of determining charges to impose on the usage.



Works Cited

Adams, Helen R., and Christopher Harris. “Net Neutrality: Why It Matters to School Librarians.” Teacher Librarian, vol. 45, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 8–12. EBSCOhost, https://www.linccweb.org/webscripts/lwauth.aspx?calling_system=ezproxy"institute=flcc2900"url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true"db=a9h"AN=129318050"site=ehost-live

Syed, Sheraz. “Prioritizing Traffic: The Internet Fast Lane.” Journal of Art, Technology " Intellectual Property Law, vol. 25, no. 1, Fall 2014, pp. 151–181. EBSCOhost, https://www.linccweb.org/webscripts/lwauth.aspx?calling_system=ezproxy"institute=flcc2900"url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true"db=ah"AN=102780447"site=ehost-live

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