Deontology and Consequentialism: A Comparison

Consequentialism and deontology are the two main theories in the field of ethics. Consequentialism is anchored on the idea that the actions do not matter as the results do. The best example is utilitarianism, a theory by Jeremy Bentham in which the major goal is to maximize happiness regardless of the nature of the action (Bentham " Mill 19). Deontology, just like virtue ethics, focuses on the actions instead of the outcomes. Actions should be justifiable in their intent under the theory. The war in the Middle East has seen policymakers take either of the two sides to find long-term solutions. Deontologists believe that the innocent civilians should not be hurt in the annihilation of the extremist and radical groups because actions matter most in the achievement of the ends. However, consequentialist look at peace as the ‘end’ and would not mind how many innocent lives are lost provide that peace is restored.

          For the promotion of peace at all levels of the society, deontology would be a better theory. All actions ought to be guided by morality enshrined in the natural law and human law. Besides, the approach is the best to promote tolerance and integration. In the real world, deontology might fail to provide solutions to extreme behaviors aimed at corrupting the already established norms. As a result, it would be advisable to adopt a consequentialist approach and deal ruthlessly with people with extreme deviant behavior with the aim of restoring peace. However, adopting a consequentialist approach to deal with behaviors such as extremism and radicalization will only provide short-term solutions. Continued emphasis on consequentialism’s ‘end justifying the action’ will result in moral decadence hence the need to stick to deontology.

Work Cited

Bentham, Jeremy, and John Stuart Mill. "The utilitarians: an introduction to the principles of    morals and legislation." (1961). P. 19.

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