Cyber and Physical Security in Academic and Government Entities

Information technology plays an important role in education, government, and society in general (AlDosari, 2017). Its social and economic benefits do not require further explanation. However, IT, like other technology, has both positive and negative repercussions for our society. It provides certain ethical concerns and has three major types of ethical issues, namely damaging actions, access rights, and personal privacy. In terms of personal privacy, IT enables the transmission of larger amounts of data information from any individual anywhere in the globe, at any time (Nate,2015). In this condition, there is enhanced the potential for revealing information and, infringing on the privacy of people and groups of individuals because of its widespread circulation globally. It is everyone's responsibility to sustain the integrity and, confidentiality of information regarding people. It also constitutes being careful to assure the accuracy of information as well as safeguarding it from an uncredited accident or, unintentional leakage to inappropriate people.
Owing to the present popularity of worldwide commerce on the internet, the subject of access right and computer security has rapidly moved from low priority status for governments and academic entities to high priority status (Nate, 2015). This interest has been heightened by a break in the computer locations by cybercriminals. Several attempts of such unauthorized access of hackers to the computers in institutions of learning and, the government of the United States have been reported extensively.
Cybercriminals have also increasingly discovered educational entities such as universities and schools to be profitable targets for their attacks. A significant reason for their actions in the kinds of data and information kept in school on staff, parents and students. When these institutions networks are infiltrated, cybercriminals probe, get, and sneak user data that is valuable. They then use this data by selling in on the dark web to gain profit. Significant strategies for cyber-attacks on institutions include phi sing frauds, DDOs attacks, and ransom ware attacks (Kazan, 2016). Due to this new development in cyber security, educational entities have been forced to seek ways of ensuring that their facilities have systems of cyber security and cyber-physical security.
The Link between Cyber-Security and Physical Security
Cyber security refers to the process of using measures of security to make sure that there is integrity, confidentiality, and data availability. This definition and hierarchy, as argued by experts, restricts the protection role to information data only. Cyber-physical security involves a complicated process of combining computer and physical components in which physical processes are often controlled or monitored by algorithms based on equipment with potential humans within the loop.
Within cyber-physical processes, software and physical components are extensively interweaved each interacting and functioning on varying temporal and spatial levels, showing distinct and different modes of behavior, and relating among themselves in numerous forms that alter with settings. Examples of Cyber-physical Security systems include automatic pilot avionics, robotic systems, process control systems, medical monitoring, autonomous transportation systems and smart grid. Modern intelligent methods of physical, cyber security will drive competition and innovation in industries like energy, agriculture, food, various means of transportation, advanced manufacturing, medical and health implants, building design and automation. Improvement in Cyber-physical Security will allow usability, scalability, adaptability, and capability that will surpass the simple rooted modern systems.
Systems of cyber-physical security are subject to privacy and security problems arising from the growing dependence on communication and computer technologies. Further complexities within a system cause it to be more vulnerable. Threats to privacy and cyber security exploit the advanced connectivity and complexity of essential networks of infrastructures, putting the country's health, public safety, economy and security at risk. Historical sources indicate that dependence on fine presumptions at interact boundaries between components of software and hardware, and between parts of the software, as well as between the system's maintainers, operators and the system itself, has always led to being at risk and can be particularly problematic within these vital processes.
Advancement in Education to Counteract Cyber and Physical Security
Systems of cyber-physical security are expected to lead to the progress in a personalized generation, and delivery of electric power, traffic flow management, emergency response, healthcare, and several other fields envisioned today. Other phrases expected to emerge from this advancement include smart grid, smart cities, industrial internet, Internet of things (IoT) and additional smarts such as appliances hospitals, manufacturing, Homes, Building, and cars (Martin, 2015).
This kind of advancement is likely to be accompanied by advanced and new ways of cyber threats and attacks. Efforts in the education through programs of information technology are aiming to foster multidisciplinary, transformative, and novel ways to preserve the security of the existing and new cyber-physical processes by focusing on the unique challenges seen in this environment. Their responsibility of keeping safety in the cyber and physical environment requires the highly advanced skills of a security information analyst.
According to Kazan (2016), the everyday job tasks of a security information analyst requires one to always be in apposition to embrace the changing world of digital to remain a level ahead of cyber criminals (Heinl, 2014). According to requirements by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, various tasks are involved including; developing best practices and security standards for an organization, imitating attacks to identify possible areas of vulnerability, installing and managing software to safeguard information, observe networks for breaches in security an perform investigations when detected (Martin, 2015). An analyst is also required to remain updated with the most recent technology and trends to become professional and suggest advancement in safety for organizations.
Besides education for experts, there is need to introduce fundamental cyber security education to the general population to match with the pace of cyber attacks in the modern world. People need to be enlightened on How to deal with Social Media while relaying Information on the Cyber Space. It has become standard to be bombarded with news of DDoS attacks, big organization data breaches, and WikiLeaks (Dodge & Futcher, 2013). It is evident that people's digital lives are no longer safe and, there is an urgent need for a protection mechanism to safeguard from cybercriminals who are motivated by power, vengeance, and greed. These cybercriminals have turned to the use of social media for to access crucial information from the Information Security officials who have become active on the social media. The criminal has discovered that these officials use social media to get information on vulnerabilities and research security as well as comment on internet articles.
Organizations need to build up another business technique that is "secure by outline" and comprehend this is not the only innovation issue, yet large issues that envelop culture, forms, staff conduct, preparing, and incorporates communications with providers, accomplices, and clients. A key part of this system is to choose a data characterization plot (Sinha et al, 2015). A choice must be made about what sort of data ought to be kept secure, shared inside, and distributed remotely. Representatives must be made to recognize what they ought to and should not share, so the data must be set apart to make it clear. Besides, they should comprehend what criteria to apply when denoting their own particular created substance and taking care of defensively stamped reports. Tenets ought to be set upon data taking care of to decrease odds of spillage and data ought to be shared on a "need to know" premise inside and also remotely. For instance, the military has utilized a multi-level security framework and defensive stamping plan for a long time. This six-level framework ranged from "Top Secret" to "Unclassified" and was intended to ensure paper-based data put away in file organizers and moved between spots physically (Wu et al, 2016).

AlDosari, F. (2017). Security and Privacy Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems. Journal Of Information Security, 08(04), 285-295. Retrieved from
Dodge, R., & Futcher, L. (2013). Information assurance and security education and training. Berlin: Springer.
Heinl, C. (2014). Regional Cybersecurity: Moving Toward a Resilient ASEAN Cybersecurity Regime. Asia Policy, 18(1), 131-159. Retrieved from
Kazan, H. (2016). Contemporary Issues in Cybersecurity. Journal Of Cybersecurity Research (JCR), 1(1), 1. Retrieved from
Martin, P. (2015). Cyber Security Education, Qualifications and Training. Engineering & Technology Reference. Retrieved from
N., K. (2015). Cyber Physical Security:The Next Frontier.Security Week (March ). The Next Frontier.Security Week (March 23, 2015). Retrieved from http://;
Sinha, A., Nguyen, T., Kar, D., Brown, M., Tambe, M., & Jiang, A. (2015). From physical security to cybersecurity. Journal Of Cybersecurity, tyv007. Retrieved from
Wu, S., Wang, H., Wu, D., Chatzimisios, P., & Chen, Z. (2016). Security and networking for cyber-physical systems. Security And Communication Networks, 9(9), 807-807. Retrieved from

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