Cost of Healthcare in the United States

Internationally provision of quality health care is a core function of any government. The United Nations through the World Health Organization seeks to provide proper health care and awareness to member nations. WHO organizes programmes that educate and offer cheaper medical attention to the less privileged. Worldwide, the quality of healthcare has since been determined by the ability of individuals to pay for these services. In the US for instance, provision of health care services is categorized by social classes. The more affluent minority in the society get the best medical insurance policies compared to their middle and low-class counterparts. The ever-increasing health care costs, deteriorated health conditions and inadequate investment on health care have led to the emergence of ‘pay-per-performance’ strategy that seeks to improve community health, (Kottker and Isham, 2010).

Superior Customer Value healthcare

Provision of quality health care is viewed from different perspectives depending on which end you are. A health practitioner would start a clinic to provide health service for the primary reason of making profits as it is a business. He/ she may stock up with quality or sub-standard drugs depending on his target group of customers. The possibility of providing quality healthcare is therefore minimal and at other times absent thereby ignoring customer desire. This is primarily because the customer is not valued and instead personal gains are given the forehand. The lack of relevant tools for measuring effective clinical services is rooted in the US health care system for years, (Kottker and Isham, 2010). Health care centers are not monitored by authorities, prompting them to remain independent in their operations. Superior customer value would, therefore, be ideal when an organization provides exceptional medical service to its customer. A customer looks forward to the culture of customer-centric being upheld at its highest professionalism.

Cost of Health Care Services

Healthcare costs can be defined as the expense incurred to receive medical services rendered. The issue of cost of healthcare has brought forth apparent concerns over the quality of healthcare. Despite the increased funding for the health care systems, there seem to be no significant improvements in the health of individuals. In the article, "What health care costs mean by Brownlee et al., the price is explained into a compound term that incorporates several aspects. Firstly, there is the cost of production; then there are the resources used to care for patients that have to be paid for. And finally, the workforce which constitutes the skills attained only by certain individuals.

From the findings by Brownlee et al., the real cost of health care is not known and instead ways have to found to reduce the costs of offering these medical costs. Right from direct costs to medical insurance costs at all levels regardless of social class. As the question still lingers on who would pay for the extra health care costs, alternative ways like awareness and education on strategies to employ preventive services can also play an integral part in solving the never-ending medical issues in the United States.


Kottke, T. E., " Isham, G. J. (2010). Measuring Health Care Access and Quality to Improve Health in Populations. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4), A73.

Brownlee, S., Colucci, J., Walsh, T. (2012) What 'Health Care Costs' Really Means. The Atlantic.

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