Consumer behavior

How might VR influence consumer behavior?

Given how frequently virtual reality (VR) is discussed in the marketplace, it is expected to have an impact on consumer purchasing habits. Customers will learn about the products available thanks to the use of virtual reality in advertising, and as a result of their altered perspectives, they will acquire significant amounts of goods from the company. With the use of virtual reality, consumers will be able to make the necessary changes on a small budget while still meeting market demands. Furthermore, because direct engagement with the market is possible, virtual reality would further encourage the client to make decisions in a realistic manner. Virtual reality will affect consumer's traits in a positive manner because they are able to understand the market through the shared information. Essentially, VR makes it easy for consumers to make the right decisions on the type of services they desire.

Have you ever experienced VR Marketing as a Client? If yes, how did you feel about it?

Yes, I have experienced virtual reality retail as a consumer when I watched a computer-animated short film Allunette. The short film was interesting as I watched a wooden airship bear a resemblance to a galleon drift across an expanse of thick clouds. While watching the movie, I felt like being inside a diorama. Furthermore, the feeling of glancing into the set to comprehend what was going on made the film an intimate practice. The ability to feel like I am walking closer to the scenery and turn my head to see sparkling stars light up the night is a primary scene that made the film worthy to watch. The instigation here is that the experience of taking part in a virtual reality entity made me happy and at the same time comfortable as a client.

Work Cited

Hardy, M. VR is disrupting the retail industry- but not in the way you might think. Retrieved from mark-hardy, 2017. Web.

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