Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

The Negative Effects of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

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The negative effects of domestic violence and child abuse provide ample justification for why this activity must be condemned and banned. Child violence is a breach of a child's rights, and as such, it must be prosecuted severely within the confines of the statute. Again, compliance is needed to help minimize this alarming activity in certain parents or guardians. Domestic violence and child exploitation include verbal, sexual, and physical abuse. Domestic abuse, according to Lansdown, is morally incorrect because it causes physical and emotional effects in infants, which can lead to undesirable behavior in these children. The child is likely to have constant complaints of, pains and aches and also develop sores. Perhaps, one of the major damaging effects is the development of depression. This depression later leads to post-traumatic stress disorder and nervousness along with having short attention span. Lansdown goes ahead to report that these children are normally diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Lansdown 9). This paper will provide an argumentative position on domestic violence and child abuse through an in-depth analysis of this problem.

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

Every person has to understand that domestic violence and child abuse culminates in harmful long-term impacts and damage the social life of the child. Children require safety and security in order to have proper development. However, when these factors become a problem in the environment that surrounds them, their social cognition is significantly affected. Many people especially those who engage in physical violence allude that this is a way of disciplining the child. The physical violence that is inflicted upon a child includes severe beatings. The idea that a child has to be disciplined is not in any way refutable. In fact, disciplining of children has to be encouraged to make sure that they grow in the ways that are required by the society. However, some parents and guardians normally mistake physical violence with disciplinary actions. Many children are critically mistreated, and this significantly affects them. It is worth noting that this has far-reaching consequences. Victimization of a child by a parent could be severe and thus inhibit one from making vital decisions in life due to the developed from violence. This could even lead to cases of suicide as a way of escaping the ordeal (Walker 17). Some children especially those in adolescent stage would even express their disgust through drug abuse and alcoholism. Besides, this could result in severe signs of depression. Other children will also tend to be secretive, confused, and have fear. More strikingly, a child will blame his or herself and become mistrustful in life and also severe cases of domestic violence among children have also resulted in hospitalization. Therefore, domestic violence and abuse of children has to stop.

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Limit Child's Development

Domestic violence and child abuse limit the child's development of social skills, motor, and cognitive skills. It also affects positive interactions with friends and hinders self-confidence. Children who grow up in a violent environment could have the inability to play as well as integrate with their counterparts. Undoubtedly, the play is an important medium of self-expression and significantly important in development. Hence a violent environment limits the child's ability to play. This is also likely to show delayed cognitive development, learning of language and motor development. Children that live in a dysfunctional family where violence is perpetuated, they lack organization and structure in their lives. Each child is likely to cope with experiences of domestic violence in their unique ways. Children that are exposed to chronically violent setting have little and unpleasant educational attainment. These children may also encounter struggles with self-esteem as well as forming relationships with people. According to Lansdown, some children would become quite and withdrawal while others may showcase crucial aspects such as aggressiveness (Lansdown 28). Withdrawal children tend to bottle up everything side them, and with time, they start experiencing other challenges in life which interfere with them physically and socially. These children become unable to express themselves. For this reason, there is lower verbal functioning and higher internalizing behaviors. Again these children are more likely to develop rebellious behavior as well as the feelings that their parents let them down and also they have to find ways of protecting themselves. Hence, these astonishing factors reveal that domestic violence on children is not justified. Katz even reports that around 60% of children under abuse will involve in juvenile delinquency while about 30% will be perpetrators of abuse when they grow old. (Katz 15). Also, children who have gone through a chronically violent environment that abuse than could to develop autism.

Effects of Violence at Infant Level

Indeed, a child who is exposed to violence at infant level develops an inability to bond with the people and secure fundamental attachments. Notably, the eventual results are an intensified startle reactions together with an inhibited sense of play and exploration. According to Fowler et al., children could portray a wide range of reactions due to exposure to domestic violence. In their article, Fowler et al. mention that the kindergarten and preschool children develop self-blame and think that they did something wrong at their tender age. As a result, they depict characteristics such as worry, guilt, and anxiety. These children also have challenges in expressing themselves verbally. With this, they develop behavior challenges which negatively affects their lives. Evidently, a child will also have sleeping and eating difficulties. In respect to this, adequate sleep is important to every person. In children, it helps in the development of the brain. Therefore, if a child has less sleep or experiences problems in sleeping, he or she will face difficulties in brain development (Mihic 52). Thus, the effects that are witnessed in infant children also call for the need of enforcing the law that governs it. These effects include excessive cries and screaming, having digestive problems. This violence disrupts feeding, and sleeping routines as the infant child frequently become ill. Besides, low weight and sleeping problems prove to be critical effects. Research done by Katz suggests that "children exposed to domestic violence are more at risk for other forms of maltreatment such as physical abuse and neglect" (Katz 4).


Domestic violence and abuse result in critical impacts to the child and thus hamper the development. The critical outcomes only evidence to the perpetrators of child violence that it is an unacceptable aspect of the society. Notably, these children are more likely to suffer nightmares, and due to this, they will wake up screaming and yelling from their sleep. Autism in children makes them underperform in learning processes and understanding as opposed to those children who have not received any violence. In the school setting, these children become defiant, become easily irritable and have a lower concentration. A child under violence suffers from poor personal hygiene and could have tendencies of becoming ill. Simply put, this models behavioral problems in young children, and for this reason, they are likely to imagine that violence is an accepted behavior in the society.

Works Cited

Fowler, Drew R. et al. "Exposure to Violence, Typology, and Recidivism in a Probation Sample of Domestic Violence Perpetrators." Child Abuse & Neglect, vol 59, 2016, pp. 66-77. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2016.07.007.

Katz, Carmit. "The Dead End of Domestic Violence: Spotlight on Children's Narratives during Forensic Investigations Following Domestic Homicide." Child Abuse & Neglect, vol 38, no. 12, 2014, pp. 1976-1984. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2014.05.016.

Lansdown, Gerison. "Children's Rights and Domestic Violence." Child Abuse Review, vol 9, no. 6, 2000, pp. 416-426. Wiley-Blackwell, doi: 10.1002/1099-0852(200011/12)9:6<416:: aid-car660>;2-p.

Mihic, Biljana. "Domestic Violence against Children." Temida, vol 5, no. 3, 2002, pp. 51-58. National Library of Serbia, doi: 10.2298/tem0203051m.

Walker, Steven. "Domestic Violence: Analysis of a Community Safety Alarm System." Child Abuse Review, vol 10, no. 3, 2001, pp. 170-182. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/car.687.

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