Campuses Struggle with Approaches for Preventing Sexual Assaults

The Seriousness of Sexual Assault on College Campuses

After a list of 55 universities and colleges was released by Obama's administration for investigation on sexual assault handling, the public became more aware of the seriousness of the matter. Eilene Zimmerman thought of doing a case study on the issue and the fact that the writer had a campus daughter took it as a personal initiative to create awareness and tell the public the untold story of the sufferings of the American children. The author looks at the causes, contributions, and remedies of the problem.

Respect Issues and Objectification of Women

Respect issues arise where men do not respect women and the decisions they make. Leah, the author's daughter, expressed an awkward moment that she suffered in a party. She says she met a man and after talking for a minute, the man placed his hands on her shorts, and when she stopped him and told him to respect women, he laughed on her face (Zimmerman 2). Men have been reported to take women as sex objects. Women have of late complained of objectification by the men. After a night with a woman, men ask one another, 'did you hit that?' or 'did you smack that?' (Zimmerman 4) Another reason is that it becomes difficult to differentiate misconduct, miscommunication, and assault.

Techniques for Creating Awareness on Sexual Assault Prevention

School administrations have put in place techniques to aid in creating awareness on sexual assault prevention. In the past, the campuses would offer online classes on the mater, but the cases of assault did not go down. The Green Dot program that started at the University of Kentucky and reported a 50% improvement in the reduction of sexual assault frequency is among student to student learning and campaigning initiative (Zimmerman 4). Another Students initiative that has proved effectiveness is the Great Explicit 101 program used a 'train the trainer model' In the University of Oregon has put to use theatre manipulations that cater for sexual assault preventive measures (Zimmerman 4). Mr. Kaiser also observed that middle and high school students are not taught issues to do with sexual relations, and So they result in watching porn which affects their behavior on campus. According to the findings, when parents are preparing their children for the college education, they advise the girl child on what not to do in college regarding sex, but boys are only taught how to respect and protect people. Boys do not get advice on sex-related matters, and for sexual assault to go down, parents have to tell them what to do regarding sex. With the new changes, the author is optimistic.

Sociological Analysis of Sexual Assault and Its Impact

This article explains observations in the society that have stayed rooted over time. In the process, it becomes more efficient as it uses sociological analysis method of collecting data. It studies a specific social environment and tries to explain a phenomenon. Although it has been difficult to obtain data, the article provides the available data to justify its case. In so doing, the researcher is seen to have used quantitative data for quantitative analysis where 50% of the sexual assault frequencies was seen to have reduced in the introduction of 'the Green Dot program' in the University of Kentucky in 2008. Esther Boykin who is therapist said that 75% of her client have traumatic experiences due to sexual assault that happened in college (Zimmerman 5). Qualitative analysis is also considered to take root in the research.

Sociological Imagination and Predictions for the Future

Zimmerman personally interviewed women who suffered from sexual assault not forgetting the school administration and the relevant stalk holders from parents to lawyers and not forgetting therapists in the study. The data is considered reliable since it was obtained first hand and free from biases and manipulations that could affect a secondary source. The article also shows a little history on the cause of the problem where Matt Kaiser says "Right now, schools are creating new norms for sex and sexual contact that may be better but aren't what people have known in the past." The above indicates that gender inequality and sexual harassment is not a recent affair and people should have time to adjust.

Gender Hostility and the Fight Against Sexual Assault

Sociological imagination was very central in Wright Mills' sociological perspective. This aspect enabled one to understand the relationship between history and biography and how the two have influenced one another in the society. Most women who suffer from the assault do not speak up due to fear of stigmatization. The reason why they fear is that before them, they had heard cases of the victims suffering more just because of talking about it. Some victims bear the blame, others are laughed at, and others go through a lot of humiliation from some family members. Some parents too do not encourage their children to open up and instead they force them to keep it themselves to protect their family name and image. A well-known lawyer says that these changes of handling sexual assaults are positive, but people are not used to them. Clearly, from that statement, it is evident that history affects our behavior and also our consciousness. Mr. Kaiser also believes that it is difficult to change the mental orientation of an individual when they get to campus because their previous exposure might curve the behavior permanently and so the prevention measures would prove useless (Zimmerman 5).

Conflict Theory and Gender Roles

Another aspect of sociological imagination is the aspect of prediction of the future depending on the current. According to Zimmerman, the previous approaches used by campuses to prevent sexual assault were not efficient, but at the same time, she observes that the few changes that have made are working towards the right direction. From that, it is possible for anyone to see a promising future for women in campuses. Judging from the current situation it is possible to predict the future. The use of sociological imagination is quite pronounced in the two instances: one that helps in the understanding an individual and his /her behavior depending on their history and its usefulness in the prediction factor.

Gender Hostility and the Fight Against Sexual Assault

Conflict theory is quite vocalized regarding competition of limited resources and proved to facilitate a ground for oppression to the disadvantaged group. Various groups of people can be affected by the situation: gender, social class, and education. The article wholesomely dwells on gender hostility. The female gender is at the edge where sexual assault in campuses is concerned. Traditionally, women have been taken as a weaker gender as compared to men. Many assault cases are not reported for various reasons, but things are seen to take a different shape. When Zimmermann says that of late assault cases have risen, she puts up a question on whether the assault is on the rise or many women are empowered enough to get the courage to voice their grievances.

The Role of Schools in Preventing Sexual Assault

The school's administrations are seen covering up sexual assault cases in the name of confidentiality. This practice might invite several interpretations and could be the school is hiding this to protect itself so that it can continue enjoying the fees brought about by its economic and business benefits and disregard the suffering of the victims. The school should put stern measures that will eliminate any occurrence of sexual assaults. For instance, one of the actions taken could be expelling any student found guilty of the crime or whoever tries to accuse the other of sexual assault falsely. The steps would not only eliminate the plague from the school, but it would have a significant impact on the whole country. Many schools would formulate this kind of rules, and at last, the nation would pay attention and work together into killing the vice.

The Suffering of the Male Gender

The boy child is also subject to the suffering that is brought about by the allocation of gender roles. A good example is where parents do not see the need of talking to their male children about sex and consent and also how to treat women (Zimmerman 5). When they go out to the cold world, they do things and are get accusations of things they do not know.

Changing Gender Dynamics

The assumption on how the world is operated is more of a conflict-based operation. There has been oppression of the weaker gender, and this has brought unity among women. In a conflict situation, the challenges faced by people unite them and start a new era. Through conflict, a resolution is reached, and discussions change resulting in an equilibrium state at the end of the day. At this point, the society starts to be fair. Women have come out to fight sexual assaults, and working ideas are being implemented, bringing a resolution to the matter.

The Rise of Women's Voices and Control

Female gender is on the move of changing how things are running. They are the primary social actors and are on their feet to protect their interest than ever before. Over the years, women have been silent of any abuse from men, but now they have changed the rules of the game if not the game. Over centuries, men have always had the upper hand, and deciding the fate of women came in handy. From the article, women have risen, and their vocals have at last been heard, and mind you, they control the game, the player, and the referee. Previously, the power belonged to men but not anymore.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In conclusion, Zimmerman correctly wrote the article but did not provide enough statistical data to file a stronger case. The writer should consider going deeper into the matter and get more statistical data. The writer indicates that the daughter went through a sexual assault and this might cloud the judgment. Men were not interviewed for the reader to have a better scope of the situation and make an objective assessment.

Work Cited

Zimmerman, Eilene. “Campuses Struggle with Approaches for Preventing Sexual Assault.” The New York Times, 22 June 2016, Accessed 16 March 2017.

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