Anti-Semitism and Racism

When I think of Anti-Semitism

I think of the racism attitude and behavior hostile towards Jews for being Jewish. This racism is based on the prejudices and stereotypical views and beliefs of some people about Jews. The term Anti-Semitism was coined by Wilhelm Marr, a German publicist in 1879. Wilhelm brought up the name to address the hostility and hatred that the biggest population of the whites had towards Jews. In the middle ages, Jews were discriminated and mistreated especially in Europe where they could be denied citizenship and segregated in the Ghettos. The main cause of this hatred can be viewed back from the history of the rich Jewish culture whereby, the Jews who initially originated from the Judea Kingdom struggled to keep their religious and social customs, and were not ready to be assimilated by their conquerors during the Babylonian, Greece and the later Roman empires. The rise and expansion of Christianity still continued with this racism, and blamed the Jews for many issues such as killing Jesus. People like Adolf Hitler, persecuted and killed millions of Jews. Some parts in Middle East countries possess the highest levels of Anti-Semitism until today (Rich, 129). However, Anti-Semitism has reduced and instead, there is adoption of Contemporary Anti-Semitism.

Effects of Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism is a threat to the rights to human rights and creates dissatisfaction of to the whole of Jewish community, therefore, they cannot exercise their rights. Any endeavor by a state or individuals that can lead to denial of human rights is unacceptable, because the individual's dream and those of the state would not be fulfilled with ease due to external threats from such discrimination.

There is the psychological impacts to most of the Jews, especially those who attend foreign academic institutions, hospitals and even in workplaces due to how people consider them to be. In an environment where they are not respected by fellow workmates, there would be stress, thus low performance in their personal and organizational duties caused by psychological discomforts.

In international politics, economy and molarity, the Jews are ignored and most countries such as the ones from Europe, USA and Middle East, where they continually pose threats to the Jewish communities and individuals, especially since the 20th and 21st century, in the ideas and propaganda that Jews controls most of the world's markets and economic powers, therefore they are also reliable for most of the world wars.

These stereotypes always gives a bad picture about the Jews, who are not bad like most people, especially political and economic figures have had for the ages about the Jews. Thus, affecting the peace of the Jews in their country Israel.

How to Challenge Anti-Semitism

I acknowledge the contributions of Protestants like Heather Heyer, who was killed campaigning against Anti-Semitism. This ideal can be challenged if the political figures can rise and declare Jews as equal beings with the people they rule. For instance, when 11 Jews were killed in Pittsburgh's Tree of Life synagogue in 2017, Trump as a major figure and a president of US did not demonstrate a positive step to challenge that evil act. He was not concerned about their welfare as he was quoted saying that there was, "good people on both sides" (Avraham, n.p) If people like Trump can rise up against such actions, in all continents, we would finally have a nice world for all people including the Jews.

To challenge Anti-Semitism, there should be campaigns for individual responsibility where each person should be responsible for his actions and co-exist with each other. I feel that the world is so small and we must be in a position to accommodate everyone regardless of race, ethnic, religion or any diverse attribute.

Works Cited

Avraham, B. Jonah "The Left and Our Fight Against Anti-Semitism.", 29 Nov. 2018,

Rich, Dave. "Global anti-Semitism." The Routledge international handbook on hate crime (2014): 129-137.

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