Analysis of The Art of Ryan Sarah Murphy and Cynthia Mason

The Most Preferred Painting: Ryan Sarah Murphy (Minor break)

The art that I can respond to the most is Ryan Sarah Murphy (Minor break). This is because it comes with the foam core that makes it attractive. In addition, the minor break art is well designed to the extent that it can be easily be painted and designed to improve on its structure. Furthermore, the art is also made with foam core which is easy to cut and can be mounted on various photographic print. It consists of several layers that are aligned with one another. The cracks found on the art can as well be considered to be attractive since it can be painted using different colors in various layers. For that reason, painting is crucial as it relates a given art with its use and also on how it can be used to improve another. The paintings can be covered to protect it from any other damage and for that reason makes it the most preferred painting.

The Least Preferred Painting: Cynthia Mason (Hairy Grid)

The other least option that can be selected from the presented art is Cynthia Mason (Hairy Grid). The art is more difficult to paint due to its hairy. Although it is attractive and has many colors, it is separated by different layers which provide the basis for how different nature or type of painting can be done. Also, the grid is essential especially when painting since it can be decorated and designed in a better way and as required. The fact that it has many colors makes it look unique and presentable. Therefore, what led me to this determination is because of it is hairy which makes it adorable art but at the same time challenging paint or art when it comes to decoration issues.

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