Don Choan's national best-seller Among the Missing is one of his attempts to depict relationships that occur in American society. The book provides a chilling insight into American society and the individuals who made this country their home. The intricate character of people's lives, which either directly or indirectly affects humanity's very nature, is what the author best exemplifies. Such literary elements provide a thorough depiction of the sociocultural and sociopsychological environment of the connected people. Every character is unique and radiates its respective baffling stories that that would definitely give goose bumps to the reader. Choan has used the humor very intricately to describe the compassionate etiquettes of the characters. Subtle narrative and power of the language are well employed by the author to mark a very sincere attempt to represent the making of the American society. One of the fascinating features of the novel is that it presents a direct reflection of the American people with their uniqueness that makes the real American society.
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