About organic food

The Benefits of Organic Food

The 2017 study by the United States Department of Agriculture indicates that market demand for organically grown food continues to experience a double-digit rise (Kumar, 2016). For example, in 2016, sales of organic food increased by 18% compared to 2015. Despite this huge rise in demand for organic food, there is still a question as to whether it is worth it and better than conventional food. Healthy food is worth it since it is healthier than normal food. The discussion below provides the reason for this argument.

Reduction of Pesticides

To start with, organic foods have fewer pesticides as a result of the natural methods of controlling pests being used. For regular foods, chemicals such as fungicides and insecticides are used in massive amounts; therefore, residual amounts of these chemicals remain in food eaten by humans (Smith-Spangler et al., 2012). Moreover, a study by Environmental Protection Agency in 2012 revealed that conventional foods have more pesticide residue compared to organic produce (Don, 2012). Remembering that pesticide residue has been connected to all kinds of health complications, one can see why consumption of organic foods is better than regular foods, and despite the high cost of organic produce, the health benefits outweigh the costs by far.

Environmental Sustainability

Secondly, it is true that humanity has a responsibility to the future generations to deliver a planet which can sustain life and economic activities to them. Therefore, it is imperative for humanity to engage in activities which contribute to the Earth's well-being; one of such activities is organic farming. In an interview, Marion Nestle, an author, and professor of Nutrition at New York University, recently stated that organic methods are more suited for environmental sustainability and continued health of the soil (Kearney, 2010). This information was supported by Food and Agricultural Organization in the 2016 annual food report that revealed that organic farming results in improved biodiversity and better health of the soil (FAO, 2016). Therefore, by consuming organic food, one is being mindful of the environment so that the future generations can experience the same measure of prosperity as today.

Nutritional Value

It is evident that one gets the nutrients to carry out daily activities and achieve their dreams through food. Organic foods are richer in certain vital nutrients which help the body function better leading to higher productivity of the person. For instance, research carried out in 2014 on the nutritional value of organic foods revealed that organic foods have significantly higher concentrations of antioxidants compared to regularly produced food (Murch, 2015). Moreover, Food and Agriculture Organization in 2016 revealed that organic meat and milk have more fatty acids than regularly produced foods (FAO, 2016). Omega 3-s lead to the reduction in cardiovascular diseases as well as improved immunity. Therefore, organic foods are more nutritious and lead to a better functionality of the body.


The discussion above helps one understand why demand for organic foods continues to increase despite the hard-economic times. One of the primary reasons is that these foods have fewer pesticide residuals hence not harmful to the body. Besides, organic foods contribute to environmental sustainability and make one take the responsibility of safeguarding this universe. Besides, organic foods are more nutritional and make people healthier and more productive. Therefore, organic foods are worth it and time are ripe for the world to shift to organic foods since it is humanity's only chance to lead a healthier and more sustainable life.


  • Don, M. (2012). Pesticide residue in organic foods.

  • Kearney, J. (2010). Food consumption trends and drivers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 365(1554), 2793-2807.

  • Kumar, J. (2016). USDA Organic. Retrieved July 18.

  • Murch, S. H. (2015). Adverse Reactions to Foods. Clinical Nutrition, 123-139.

  • Smith-Spangler, C., Brandeau, M. L., Hunter, G. E., Bavinger, J. C., Pearson, M., Eschbach, P. J., ... & Olkin, I. (2012). Are organic foods safer or healthier than conventional alternatives? A systematic review. Annals of internal medicine, 157(5), 348-366.

  • World Health Organization. (2016). Food and Agriculture Organization (2003) Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: report of a Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation. WHO technical report series, 916.

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