about adrenaline air sports

Billy Cockerel: The Beginnings

Billy Cockerel loved parachuting from the first time he tried it as a birthday present from his uncle. In 1999, he established Adrenaline Air Sports and rented a drop site from Joe Borgess, which included a hangar, an office, and a landing strip. He purchased the plane and other required equipment, such as parachutes, and officially started operations in 2000. Cockerel's company expanded, and by August 2000, he had purchased two more shoots. Adrenaline Air Sports made $90,000 in the first year and $154,000 by October of the same year.

Early Operations and Marketing

Adrenaline Air Sports was operated by part-time staff, including himself, for the first two years. He ran the business with the help of his fellow skydivers and maintained the office and facilities personally. The list of jumpers who had booked the chutes for activities was managed on a computer.

Adrenaline Air Sports was marketed via word of mouth by the divers who used his services. A large poster broadcasting the company name, telephone number and website also attracted more customers to the business. An advert was also run in the yellow pages and a publication of the U.S Parachute Association. Divers also got bumper stickers and promotional videos that they could show their friends to encourage them to engage in the activity.

Challenges and Expansion

Though Cockerel did most of the maintenance himself, servicing the two airplanes was pricey. Qualified pilots and divers enabled Cockerel to land and refuel the plane when necessary. Insurance also consumed a large part of the total income. Skydiving instruction was offered by Cockerel as well as Wagner, a highly experienced diver. Beginning jumpers also had help from part-time flight instructors, who often jumped with them for the first basic jumps. Experienced divers packed their parachutes after use. The company faced competition from Skydive Orange, Skydive Virginia, Skydive the Point, and Skydive Suffolk. Issues faced by the company included getting divers to come back, creating an effective marketing strategy, making the sport affordable to first-time divers, and ensuring diver safety.

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