What Makes Ganesha So Special?

You've probably heard of the elephant head of Ganesha. You may also be familiar with His pot belly, or even His cobra. But what is it that makes him so unique? Here's a little story about the god. Read on to learn more about the many different versions of Ganesha. Whether you believe in him or not, you'll have a new appreciation for this legendary god! Whether you worship him or not, Ganesha is an essential part of your life.


The legend of Ganesha tells of how Shiva, the demon god, came to earth in the form of a boy and obstructed the path of his son, Shiva. To appease the angry Parvati, Shiva chopped off the head of the boy, and Ganesha was left with no head. Lord Brahma pleaded with Parvati to save the boy, and she agreed to change her mind. The vengeful god threw an elephant head on the boy's torso, and the resulting figure was named Lord Ganesha.

His elephant head

According to Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva beheaded Ganesh and replaced his head with an elephant's. Some stories claim that Ganesha was born with an elephant's head, while others say that he had several. Shiva found Ganesh's human head to be too attractive, and he shaved it off, leaving the elephant's head and protruding belly. Shiva was so distraught that he sent warriors to fetch the first animal he saw, which turned out to be an elephant.

His pot belly

During his reign as king of Egypt, Ptolemy VIII Physcon, a pot belly abounds in the king's image. His pot belly was inherited from his late father, but Lawani has taken steps to correct it. In this article, we'll examine his efforts. And if you're looking to get rid of your pot belly, you might want to try some of the other tips.

His cobra

A representation of His cobra by Ganesh often features a pot belly. The serpent represents the Hindu God Shiva and is tied to Ganesha's belly as a symbol of acceptance. The position of the snake's trunk has symbolic meaning: pointing to the left symbolizes success in the world and to the right, renunciation of the world. In addition, the snake symbolizes great alertness and true acceptance.

His relationship with Lakshmi

According to legend, the story of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesh began when the former asked the latter to adopt one of Her sons. However, the latter declined, saying that her sons should stay with Her, who would take care of them. However, the two agreed to keep in touch, and she promised to care for Ganesha. Lakshmi also promised to grant Ganesha happiness in return.

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