Types of Sports

Background Statement:

There is always a debate on the various types of sports especially among men. However, different people will consider different sports as most demanding sports basing their arguments on different characteristics. Moreover, physical sport involves unique characteristics such as speed, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance among others that attribute to their success.

Thesis Statement:

Physical sport involves unique characteristics such as muscular power, speed and cardiovascular endurance that are key for their success compared to mind sports and competitive model sports.

Category 1: Physical Sports

Characteristic1: Physical sport is characterized by muscular strength among players

Example 1: Wrestling

Characteristic 2: Speed

Example 1: Football

Characteristic 3: Cardiovascular endurance

Example 1: Rugby

Category 2: Mind sports

Characteristic 1: Little physical exertion

Example1: Card games

Characteristic 2: Smart thinking

Example 1: Speed cubing

Characteristic 3: Special skills

Example 1: Chess

Category 3: Competitive model sports

Characteristic 1: Uses imaginary aircraft

Example 1: Model aircraft racing

Characteristic 2: Always a copy of the original yacht

Example1: Yacht racing

Characteristic 3: Guided by grooves in the tracks they use to run

Example 1: Car racing


In conclusion, among the three types of sports, the physical sport reveals unique characteristics which are physically demanding. Physical sport involve a combination of muscular power, speed, cardiovascular endurance and agility while the mind sport and the competitive model sports does not require such unique characteristics for their success. Therefore, the parties involved in this type of sport should ensure that their body capabilities align with the unique features of the games that fall under physical sport category. However, in the field of sports, there are various activities that one is required to undertake to ensure that he or she acquire the best of those characteristics to ensure success of the games undertaken for instance body exercises.



Sports are meant for different reasons, one for fun and entertainment, for money among others. However, this essay will discuss how the unique characteristics of physical sport lead to their success compared to mind sports and the competitive model sport. Physical sports include games such as football, soccer, rugby, wrestling among others. These games involve a lot of muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. The mind sport involves skills and specific intellectual ability as opposed to the physical sports. Finally the competitive model sport involves use of the original vehicle in the sports.

Physical Sports

In this category, there are many types of games which involve physical strength. The category is characterized by unique feature which enables the players to successes in the games. The first feature is the cardiovascular endurance, which is a key feature of the games that fall in this category. The feature involve how effectively the blood vessels in the heart and the lungs ensure that blood rich in oxygen reach the muscles involved in the physical activity. The second feature is the speed and the third is the muscular strength. These characters are unique within the three categories of sports. Therefore, it is through these features that makes the success of the physical sport as opposed to the other two categories.

Mind Sports

            Mind sport involves specific skills and intellectual ability to enhance the success of the game. Therefore, cardiovascular endurance, speed and muscular strength are not necessary for the success of these games. However, a party might have these characteristics but they will not attribute to the final success of the game. Meaning the characteristics for the physical sport can only lead to success of the games under physical sports.

Competitive Model Sport

In this category, the features like cardiovascular endurance, masculinity strength and the speed have no impact on the success of the games under this category. However, this category involves games like model aircraft racing, model yacht racing and car racing among others. The key characteristics here are that they use an imaginary of the original.


            In summary, the success of the physical sports such as the football, rugby, wrestling among others relies largely on the strength of muscles of the participants. Also cardiovascular endurance and speed plays a major role in the success of the physical sports, as opposed to the mind sports and the competitive model sports which does not rely on such features for their success.

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