The Study of Social Stratification

The study of the topic “social stratification” lays its basis on a class caste system; status and privileges. It is the characteristics of a society. Social stratification varies by production and work organization of society. The definition of social stratification is the differential ranking of human individuals who compose a given social system and their treatment as a superior or inferior relative to one another in certain social essential respects (Fan, Aiai, & Baoyan Cheng 11-21). The functionalist theories believed that the society is divided into various subparts: ecology, economy, sexuality, and others. In this essay, I examine this issue using the sociological concepts of social stratification

            Social differentiation occurs when people have distinct social roles and individual qualities. An increase in the division of labor brings more distinction in the community. Social inequality ‘is the condition whereby people have unusual access to valued resources, services, and positions in the society. “Social differentiation leads to social inequality in two ways, that is, “because of human capacity application to the meaning of events and things, to develop judgment of what is a good, bad or preferable act. Social evaluation often applies to differences. Secondly some roles   of social position pace some people in a position to acquire a greater share of valued goods and services.”(Carlson & Per, 74-85)

            Social differentiation applies to specialization in the community. Each should perfect in job or profession. Respect to each social role and individual qualities will give the best of the city. Resources cannot be accessible to everyone. Every person should make proper use of resources in his environment. Creativity is also needed to innovate to fill in the gap. Proper utilization of resources is key to the development of the society.


Fan, Aiai, and Baoyan Cheng. "Social Stratification and Studying Overseas: Empirical Evidence from Middle Schools in Beijing." The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 27.1 (2018): 11-21.


Carlson, Per. "Binge drinking in adolescence–social stratification and the collectivity of drinking cultures." European Journal of Social Work

21.1 (2018): 74-85.

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