The Social-Spatial Entity of a Home

Home is both a place and an idea. Research shows different ideologies of home like- social-spatial entity, psychosocial entity and an emotive space. It, therefore, takes the reader’s motive to define a home. The paper herein aims at expounding the social-spatial entity of a home which resonates as a special metaphor in daily conversations. Then, is home where the heart is, or there is no place like home?  The connection link of home and place has analyzed in social science to deeper research. In these studies, the home was described- without any exception- to be a place of great personal significance. Home, therefore, is a key location where a spiritual unity formed between human and things (Schafer G. 2017, 68). Home is an element for the development of the sense of belonging to a people. Eventually, the home becomes an effective bond between the people and the place. However, the significance of the bond varies with the sense of individuals to the said home, with some culture hardening the bond link while others weaken the bond.

 Scholars have  refuted the idea of home as a place saying  home is an open place, which is made and developed through social relations. Home, herein termed as where the heart is. It is not just the place like earlier said, the apartment the house or the location does not necessarily make a home- this is places and their locations which (Anderson, G. et al. 2016). Argues that they don’t make a home. In his argument, Anderson Says that home is just an environment where one can be free and be themselves. When people move from their well-built houses to go and dwell in the mountains for a while, the mountain environment makes their home. People who surround you also make up a home for you. When one is surrounded by individuals, who are amazed and outspoken like they are, this creates a home environment. Home is therefore not just a place but also an environment and where the heart is.

A home is a private haven, with the modern way and technology of building and construction, homes are made better and very accommodative. People are experiencing strong social and psychological growth and attachment while still at home making the home a good habitat and a private haven. The family living in the same home gives out a sense of belonging, a sense of unity and togetherness. Consequently, the home becomes a growing habitat, it acquires a symbol of identity. A person identifies with their home; home makes that family recognized increasing a sense of belonging to the home dwellers. After daily chores in the roomed offices, the home becomes the last place we run to; this is where we spend time relaxing and alternating tight schedules with relaxed breaks. In all made and developed homes a social place is made, at this place both the inhabitants and other people work and socialize privately. The modern housing has even more improved places with inbuilt boardrooms and small home offices where people can meet and discuss issues or even take studies (Sprenger, A. 2010). This formality, however, contradicts the idea of home as a private haven but does not contradict the idea of the place being home.

The idea of a home is a question with diverse answers; this paper will also include in the research the feeling in a park of leisure. Why do people move from their home to the parks for a whole day? What triggers the fact that they are comfortable in the park? The park is a natural or semi-natural place mostly planted has no houses, why then do people feel at home in the park? The feeling while in the park creates a timely home for dwellers. The environment and nature are very supportive; it creates a haven for a dwelling. In the park families meet, discuss and solve issues, they relax and breathe the natural breath. An idea of home illustrates. Home, therefore, becomes a feeling, not a place. However, no one can ever live in the park no matter how good the park is. With its natural air, cool environment and green vegetation, it can’t be home for entire life. Go back to the very busy park in the nearest city, and by 7 p.m, everybody has departed to go back to their homes. The feeling though good becomes insignificant at night, people have to go back to their houses, and therefore, these houses are more home than the park. Eventually, the home would mean a house.

Early in the morning, the city is full of people with speed each rushing to their places of work. A place of work has a similar look like a park, although it does occur on a daily basis. Why do people and some of them has very smart places of work but again do not dwell there? In the evening they get back to their places and dwell there. When they assume off duties, they stay at their homes. During annual leaves, public holidays and festive seasons they dwell at their houses. The working place, therefore, is not a home however people like it most. When in the office there is fun with colleagues, good environments and friendly a place to socialize- this is a home like a place. It is a special place with security, a close equivalent to home. Many workplaces have a good building and smart structures which makes users very comfortable, such places make people feel nice and extremely- a home like experience.

This essay touches on the aspect of a country as a home. The real home born country remains the home of any migrant. When people take a flight to other countries for work or leisure, they keep recalling and talking about their motherland (Fernandez, B. et al. 2014). They never forget where they were born and raised. They keep recalling the symbols of their country and referring that they come from a certain country which makes a feature fact of one country as home. In situations when their national flag has raises upon a celebration, they applaud it. It touches their heart and a sense of belonging to their country, a sense of nationalism and identity. Eventually, the country becomes the home. As they get back to their country, they say they are going back home.

In conclusion, a home is a dwelling place. It is a feeling and the sense of belonging depending on the will of the individual. The definition of either a house or a home are similar; however, in the social science, home is both a place and an idea. This reason makes people developing their homes and houses in their own will and environmental choices. Be it a house or country; home is where the heart is.


ANDERSON, G., SUSKI, L., & MOORE, J. G. (2016). Sociology of home: belonging, community, and place in the Canadian context.

FERNANDEZ, B., & DE REGT, M. (2014). Migrant domestic workers in the Middle East: the home and the world.

SCHAFER III, G. (2017). A place to call home - tradition, style, and memory in the new American house.

SPRENGER, A. (2010). Place maps: the sociology of home.

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