The Similarities and the Differences in the Poem and the Essay by Kaur and Semphere

This essay examines the similarities and the major diverging points of differences in the two articles, Broken English. The articles address a closely related issue – the insignificance of speaking the English language eloquently in one’s success.

The poem by Kaur reveals the needlessness of the excellent literary skills in an individual’s success. The parents of the artist struggled to raise their children with limited knowledge of the English language and higher education. On the other hand, Semphere’s essays acknowledge the uniqueness of all languages and the benefits of upholding one's cultural values. The two pieces converge at a single ideological standpoint that language does not influence the success of a person.

Regarding the time of origin, the two pieces emerged from different eras and historical times. Semphere’s essays were written in the current century when most African students yearned to study abroad. The author has narrated their educational background in Malawi before moving to the West for further studies (Semphere, par. 2). In contrary, the Kaur’s poem address evidence some level of primitivism and that conform to the olden days.

The two articles have different audiences. Each of them appeals to different people and of slightly different ages. The poem address all the children, with unlearned parents to give honor to their parents for whatever their parents to raise them. All the age groups are welcomes to share the pieces of advice of this art. On the other hand, the essay is a little bit more precise in the audience. The author, Semphere, informs the middle ages learners of English as a foreign language to embrace their culture and the uniqueness of their accent and dialect (par. 3).

The central focus of the two articles is closely related. Whereas the poem talks about the insignificance of the learning the foreign language on one’s success, the essay encourages non-native speakers of English to embrace their local language and accent since such features identify them among others. The author of the piece, Semphere uses their life experience in illustrating such explanations to the potential victims who would otherwise think that their language is inferior. Further, the Semphere despises the old act of punishing students who did not speak the English language in school. Such practices would diminish the learners’ competencies within their cultural boundaries.

Regarding the application to the users, the two pieces of writing an appeal to the non-native speakers of the English language to uphold their primary language almost in a similar way. However, Kaur uses a more general approach to encourage low-income earners to persist in their duties regardless of their conditions. Similarly, Semphere’s essay convinces the learners of the English language to adopt the western ideology but stick to their culture. In such a way, the pieces share the purpose and intent for creation.

Based on their differences, Kaur’s poem seems to be more appealing than the essay. It has does not only advice children to respect the duties of their parents but also warns of harmful habits. Besides, the poem encourages everyone to work hard by citing the example in their parents whose hands turned rough and hard from work. Nerveless, the hard workers found a way of raising their four children. The article by Kaur also needs for helping others (par. 2). The author has addressed loneliness and support to the needy members of the society. Conversely, Semphere encourages students to be contentment with their skills and attributes.

Work cited

Semphere, Priscilla. "Broken English: When Our Mother Tongues Take The Back Seat." HuffPost. N.p., 2018. Web. 16 Oct. 2018.

Kaur, Rupi. "Broken English Poem By Rupi Kaur - Poem Hunter." N.p., 2018. Web. 16 Oct. 2018.

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