The Royal Palaces

Historical High Palaces was founded in the year 1998 under the Environmental Department.It was intended to be the government’s executive agency.The palaces in the Historic High Palaces are; Kew Palace, Kensington Palace, Hampton Court Palace, Tower of London and, Banqueting House. Later, it was transformed into an independent charity whose main aim was to help any interested individual to look into the story of how both monarchs and the people have managed to shape society. The agency does not receive any funding from the government or the Crown. How it runs wholly depends on the support they get from visitors, sponsors, volunteers, members and donors. Latest statistics show that about 4.25 million people made a visit to the palaces during the 2015-2015 financial year.Among the royal palaces occupied by the public are Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle.The two are conserved by the Royal Household Property Section. Lucy Worsley and Tracy Borman are jointly involved in the maintenance and curation of the palace.

Question 1

Historical Royal Palaces were established as a Royal Charter Body and have since been under a contract issued by Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. However, it should be noted that the palaces are owned by The Queen in the right of the Crown.The other higher office contracted to Historic Royal Palaces is the office of The Secretary of State of Northern Ireland. The Hillsborough castle is managed by the agency and owned by the government of Ireland.

Historic Royal Palaces organizational structure has a Board of Trustees at the top.All the trustees are non-executive followed by The Chief Executive who answers to the Board of Trustees. The Trustees are responsible for promoting the Historic Royal Palaces' Cause on the planet. Their interests are driven by the agency's goals and principles. They ensure high standards of work done and monitor the use of capital and resources ensuring that t5hey are utilised in the most effective way possible.The Chief Executive is the chair of the board of Eight Directors.He also answers to the parliament on matters entailing public assets under the care of the agency.He also keeps tabs on the performance of Historic Royal Palaces and answers to the Board of Trustees on that.

The core cause of the agency is to give everyone a chance to experience the story of how monarchs and people changed the society and in the spirit of doing that equality and diversity are some of the key principles embraced.(This means that there has to be fairness in everything done at the agency running from staff employed, services provided and how visitors are treated. This is achieved by valuing the differences in people, understanding that human beings are diverse and treating them right no matter their differences(Mullins and Dosser,2013). The agency works with the local communities as well as the organisation’s own team with the aim to reflect on the United Kingdom demographic of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) population.This is done by including these groups in the agency’s workforce. Some of the objectives set by this agency are identified by their main constraints of work; Support for BAME talent.,expanding pathways, Creating a culture of support and conducive environment within the organization and widening their reach.

Realising that there is a strong case in terms of diversity, how it adds value to the business, the agency opened up opportunities for everyone irrespective of backgrounds and beliefs. Also by developing strong and well-suited partnerships with Employment Ambassadors who are quite influential helps in representing the local communities in the palaces and this helps in the delivery of the work. Historic loyal palaces embrace the diverse cultures and values the act of bringing people together and in this case ensure that they act in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

In matters of “Protected Characteristic” individuals, the agency ensures that zero discrimination ensues in terms of gen der re-assignment, age, marriage, race, maternity, sex and sexual orientation, age and gender reassignment as it gives equal opportunities to all and potential employees.

Noteworthy Royal Palaces are focused on finding a way to guarantee that subjugation and human trafficking is absent inside our association or inside its supply chains.

Being storytellers and conservators, the agency boasts of giving the palaces continuing life. They entertain, stage events and welcome people, not forgetting the stories that the buildings and objects in them carry that they ensure are felt deep by the masses contemplating these feelings from the objects In respective palaces. Some of the policies that see this action fall in place include Collection Information Policy, 2014.This is centred on records and the know-how of information about items collected and how this information is managed and improved in accordance with the professionally laid standards for Collections Management, Human Remains Policy,2014. This policy drives to the mannerisms in the handling of human remains and is observed in line with the professional standards for Collection Management, Collection Development Policy,2014. The act mainly helps in expanding and refining collections that are owned by Historic Royal; Palaces detailing on the use of loans in supplementing their collection as well as focus on the professional standards that are behind the collection management, Conservation Care and Conservation policy. Gives information on the range of items in the agency’s vast collection of items and gives well-explained information on how the precious objects are conserved and managed, Collection Access Policy,2014.This involves visitors’ access to collections, the risks associated with it and also the procedure for lending and borrowing of artefacts.

The Historical Royal Palaces get most of their income from the visits it receives every year with 4.427 million visits recorded during the 2016/2017 that surpassed their target that year and were an increase of 12 % from the previous year. This record was recorded courtesy of Hampton Court Palace, Kensington Palace and the Hillsborough Castle.The agency is capable of making an n income of £27.2m a year from catering, retail, function and sponsorships and is increasing in great percentages every year(Bowdin,2011). The agency is also quite endorsed with successful fundraisings that collect large sums in terms of donations totalling to a cool £6.6m in the year 2017 and is intended to reach a target of £30m in 2018.

Following the quest for the company to improve and increase public access to the Hillsborough Castle in order to improve visitor’s experience while conserving the great Pagoda at Kew more funds are being designated for the projects that are due in the next three years.

In conclusion, The Historic Royal Palaces remains to be one of the most dreamt of destinations as an independent agency recording the highest number of visitors in comparison to other world palaces.

Question 2

People understand the term stakeholder differently.It would preferably be defined as an individual who can create an impact on the functionality of a company while at the same time affect a project.Stakeholders can likewise allude to an individual or a gathering of individuals who can rapidly risk an association's likelihood, manageability, and survival. The stakeholders may incorporate the clients, the staff, and the even the legislature.The major shareholders in Historic Royal Palaces The association's partners incorporate the loan specialists, the investors, the association's clients, and the employees.the administration of the association additionally for part of the stakeholders.The people group likewise frames some portion of the partner. Moreover, the contenders are additionally part of the partners since they are constantly influenced by the result of the other company.the providers and the Trade associations are likewise part of the partners. The previously mentioned partners are arranged diversely relying upon the degree to which they are influenced by the activities of the organizations.they can be named essential stakeholders.The essential partners are people or gatherings who are specifically influenced by the activities of the organization. The providers give the organization items and administrations (HRP 2017). Accordingly, they are straightforwardly influenced by the result of the organization.The auxiliary partners are influenced in a roundabout way by the exercises of the organization(Mallin 2016). The key partners are people who are well on the way to present a striking force as a powerful influence on the association's activities. These in the Historic Royal Palaces are the chiefs, the Queen, the Chairman, the Charity Agency's representatives, and the association's suppliers.the UK government is likewise one of the key partners in The Historic Royal Palaces.The Historic Royal Palaces draw its assets from the UK people group making it a piece of the Historic Royal Palaces' key stakeholders.All its lenders and the administration organizations additionally frame some portion of the Historic Royal Palaces key partners. Thefollowing is the list of directors in charge: The directors include the Chief Executive, The Palaces and Collections Director, the retail and Catering Director, Public Engagement Director, The Finance Director, The Tower Group Director, The Palaces Group Director Human Resource Director and communications and Development Director. The Royal Palaces are social organizations endowed with the duty of passing British culture from one age to another.Organizations and social establishments are responsible for the result of their decisions and activities on society and normal environment.According to the partner part of partner's hypothesis, the accomplishment of the royal residences generally relies upon open view of the foundation and the character of the Royal family.The enthusiasm of different partners in various issues in these Palaces decide the achievement the Royal administration.The British individuals may raise moral worries about the administration of the Royal Palaces which may diminish open trust in the organization. These partners are the British people group, her magnificence the ruler, partners, and the leader. The future age is another gathering of partners that might be keen on the administration of the Palaces. They might be keen on knowing how the images or expert and the part of the ruler has been kept up without dissolving any social practice. The neighbourhood individuals may likewise be exceptionally inspired by how they remain to profit by the nearness of the Palace in their group. In this regard, appropriate treatment of the neighbourhood individuals makes an ideal situation for organization and improvement. Ecological corruption may summon the energy of neighbourhood groups to oppose the exercises of a castle in their region. They may utilize physical energy to arrange mass action against the organization as a method for communicating their disgruntlement with ecological corruption by the royal residence authorities.The administration of the royal residences can't centre around serving the ruler without considering the perspectives of different stakeholders.The ruler may reject royal residence chiefs who neglect to achieve the mission to the neighbourhood groups by utilizing her own power.The ruler might be absent from the abuse of the assets that happens in various palaces.Employees of the royal residences may down their instruments in a challenge to unreasonable badgering by the regal family as Freeman portrayed in the partner mastery wellspring of power.The open is qualified for both money related and non-budgetary divulgences by the illustrious Palaces. The legislature through the workplace of open review may make a legitimate move against the overseers of royal residences where theft of open assets is uncontrolled.

The administrator Mr. Rupert Gavin sees The Historic Royal Palaces as the main place that can offer the entire world an opportunity to comprehend their importance by investigating the account of how the royals and individuals over the world have molded the general public in a portion of the best royal residences ever established(Buchanan and Huczniski 2017).He likewise says that it is a standout amongst the best royal residences on the planet as the royal residence assume a consistently expanding part in the rich texture of the UK government and the world on the loose. The Trustees likewise see The Historic Royal Palaces as a standout amongst the most economical associations on the planet. This is on the grounds that the royal residences enhance its manageability through all around planned and figured vital destinations.

To condense everything, the partners assume a huge part in the accomplishment of the Historic Royal Palaces. Specifically, the key partners have an immediate and critical effect on the castle. Moreover, they can practice their forces to expedite a momentous change the activities of the Historic Royal Places. They guarantee that the royal residences' impact is felt over the world through their sense of duty regarding the exercises inside the castles.


Impey, E., Parnell, G. and Palaces, H.R., 2000. The Tower of London: The official illustrated       history. London: Merrell.

Keay, A., 2001. The Elizabethan Tower of London: The Haiward and Gascoyne Plan of             1597 (No. 158). London Topographical Society.

Palaces, H.R., 2007. Shakespeare and the Tower of London. Historic Royal Palaces, 29.

Sharpe, K., 1993. Culture and politics in early Stuart England. Stanford University Press.

Thurley, S., 1993. The royal palaces of Tudor England: architecture and court life, 1460-1547.      New Haven: Yale University Press.

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