The Role of Piercing in the Generation Me

In the current world just as the previous generations were credited for; people are in constant search of body parts to poke holes and make them part of their life. This art of poking holes is highly adhered by the millennial and it provides ways for one to express him. Although different people hold different perfectives on any self-inflicted hole on the skin different debates have been launched to support of opposing body piercing. This act of self-expression has been there for many years and was used differently depending on culture and generations. In the current world, body piercing has gained popularity among the younger generations as well as the younger adult around mid-twenties and early thirties (Furry 49). The kind of piercing s expressed in different type in different people depending on the kind of association one is interested in or obsessed with.

 In anthropology, many anthropologists see symbolic piercing as a sign of defiance to express ones feeling on the unspoken mindset. Many people who undertake to pierce are the student between college and high school level of academic accommodation. This is the place where many people go through many phases of body and psychological development and ability to articulate self-perception. This is usually characterized by open or secret defiance to parent and authority and piercing in most cases have been used to represent tie rebellious nature of the age group. It used to symbolize ownership of one's body and in most cases, it ispermanent, unlike tattoos.  The location of the poked hole is usually symbolic to the person's personality and lifestyle which in most cases is exhibited later in life. A good example is nose piercing which was popular among female generation a few years ago. But n the current world it is common among both boys and girls and it is usually endowed with specific ornaments. But piercing of other parts of the body like labia or penis symbolizes association with the specific organization or originality expression which is many societies is rebuked (Wright 27-30).

The study shows that public visible piercing overtime tends to decline with age. Older people who have pierced skin tend to hide it from the public and do not give it much consideration as they used to while they were younger.  Although many professional duties do not care about body piercing, in the workplace many people tend to hide it while on duty or take it out when necessary. These aspect preset cracks between ones' stages of growth and personality. Despite the defiance to express the stages of growth and possession of the morphology of the body, there is a power which comes with a responsibility that n most cases overpowers defiance and force one to reconsider early life decisions.  As post-structuralism argues, the discipline of the body results from mind discipline clearly represent the idea of one piercing his/her body and take off the hole in their later life for fear of personal perception of due to pressure from the society. It in this point I tend to differ with many arguments brought forth as an antagonist of piercing; body piercing should be a personal decision and one should live with it throughout their life. As earlobe piercing is accepted globally, body piercing should be accepted provided they present societal ethics and ethos. One should not pierce his/her body due to pressure from his/her friend but make a choice to pierce himself for the self-expression as earing is placed on earlobe pierce (Ramage, Wilson and  Thomson 18).

The reason for body piercing in the generation Me is too enigmatic that little is known and the reason for the recurrent of the behavior across the globe in the same generation. Although the explanation of the reason for piercing range from aesthetic to eccentric for some conventional mind-body piercing stands for reaction toward never-ending outward pressure to underpin them. Therefore it provides an answer to unanswered uncertainties that insert worries on the mind and heart of generation me.  Although it requires the third eye to crack the answer provided on the hole, many people have argued that body piercing resolutions are a matter of debate while others argue that it connects with his/her roots. Despite this, no part of the body is limited to piercing, from head to toe and the decision topic is personal depending on one's perception of life and identity. It through this I feel obliged to say that piercing should make one feel good and unburdened from unseen forces that s underpinning him.  The kind of piercing chosen and the location should not be a disgrace in later n life or hinder one's ability to practice professional career. Therefore one is the master of his/her body and is entitled to any action taken on or in it despite that he/she is not harming others.

Work cited

Furry H (2015). Body Piercing And Tattoos. Farmington Hills, Mich: Green Haven Press, 2015, 49 Print

Ramage IJ, Wilson N, and  Thomson RB. Fashion victim: infective endocarditis after nasal piercing. Arch Dis Child. 1997;77(2):18 Print

Wright JW. Modifying the body: piercing and tattoos. Nurs Stand. 1995;10(11):27–30 Print

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