The Role of Nkisi Nkonde in The Democratic Republic of Congo

Nkisi Nkonde: A Protective Religious Idol

Nkisi nkonde is a protective religious idol which belongs to a subclass of minkisi (sacred objects that are curved in the form of human beings and believed to possess spiritual powers). The symbols are associated with some communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and are used to identify wrongdoers or facilitate oath taking practices. Due to their assumed aggressive nature, it is believed that these sculptures can eradicate evil spirits. Objects attached to nkisi nkonde are the leading cause of significant changes to them, and such items may act as visual records to a community.

Uses of Nkisi Nkonde

Nkisi nkonde may be used as a vessel to store sacred materials. Apart from helping to solve disputes, nkisi may be exploited as an instrument of healing or to affirm essential agreements such as peace treaties (Henderson 62). In the case of reconciliation, parties to a peace deal may go before nkisi, make vows related to their decisions, and use sharp materials to invoke specific spirits that are relevant to particular covenants. Nkisi nkonde may project an aggressive posture to intimidate adversaries, deflect malicious spells, and caution bargainers to abide by their promises (Cole 330). Records of such practices are attached to the object in the form of nails or sharp metals. Strips of leather may also be used to tie and hang medicinal mixtures around nkisi's neck or waist. Contents of this ritual icon may help remind people about a specific treaty and act as a visual record.


Nkisi nkonde changes regularly based on the functions it is meant to serve. Sharp objects and other substances inserted into this monument may alter its physical appearance. As long as the agreement remains valid, the contents of the statue may stay unchanged. A study of a specific nkisi nkonde may reveal a record of several events settled by a community. Unfortunately, in case the treaty is dissolved, all the materials may be removed leading to a simple wooden statuette.

Works Cited

Cole, Thomas B. "Nkisi Nkondi (Nail Figure)." Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 315, no. 4, 2016, pp. 330-331.

Henderson, David. "Nkisi nkondi: An image of transference and projective identification in the analytic process." Psychodynamic Practice, vol. 20, no. 1, 2013, pp. 62-67.

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