The Rise of Police State in the United States

The United States has become its own worst nightmare. In 2015, the average number of the individuals who were killed by the police in the country was at 2.6 while in Britain; there were only 2 people that had been killed for the last 3 years by the law enforcement officers (Criminal Justice Hub 1). Thus, there is a rapid increase on police brutality in the nation, which is characterized of the use of exercise force by the police. The numbers are worrying and should be of most concern to the American citizens. Police state is emerging in America in a slow manner such that majority of the Americans are not aware of what is happening in the current social, political, and economic environment.


The tyrannical entity at which Americans escaped and rebelled has become their worst nightmare. The rebelling was based on the State overreach that was composed of hostile, aggressive, and invasive militia, which is equivalent to the police. Such makes the Bill of Rights to have subjects on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Amendments officers (Criminal Justice Hub 1). The 2nd

Amendment focused on the militia that is essential to offer the free State security and people’s right in bearing and keeping arms. The 3rd

Amendment argued that soldiers should not be quartered to the house when the owner has not given consent during the time of peace, or in war when the law has not prescribed. The 4th Amendment focuses on ensuring that people are secure in all areas of social functions in the American society.

            In totalitarian countries that include North Korea, Russia, and China, it is expected that troops are always at the borders to engage in checking the IDs of the citizens in presence of massive military parades officers (Criminal Justice Hub 1). Such things are not expected to be experienced in countries that are democratic like America. However, the situation is changing in the United States where it is becoming a police-based country. The tyranny is taking place while the public may result to rebellion, such measures will be opposed by the strong force of the law and the police brutality.

Donald Trump

People cannot believe that the American President, Donald Trump, will be a dictator. However, his leadership is drifting to the tyranny (Beem 1). During the presidential debates in 2016, Trump refused to indicate that he would accept the election, but pledge to honor the outcome only when he wins. Such was the onset of the gold-pasted despotism since the hallmark of the American democracy is the peaceful power transfer. Trump, while in his first year, he engaged in praising leaders that include Xi in China, el-Sisi in Egypt, and Erdogan in Turkey whose leadership style is based on iron fists. He did this while badmouthing the allies of America that include New Zealand, United Kingdom, and Germany. His admiral for dictatorship is reflected by the regular attacks he extends to the journalists and the fear for the freedom of the press. He has indicated that he can sue journalists, engage in changing the libels laws, and uphold the cancellation of the broadcast licenses for the firms that criticize him.

            Trump also advocates for the presence of the grand military parade, which is similar to Beijing, Moscow, and Pyongyang (Beem 1). He is also frustrated by the efforts to engage in building of the Great Wall along the border of the United States and Mexico, which made him to order the American troops on this region. His stand is that until such a time when America can have proper security and wall, the borders of the country will be guarded by the military.

Police Work

Roberts claims that the police are responsible of the thievery, which is experienced in society. As such, the American police have a function that is tied to citizens’ suppression (Roberts 1). The cops assault the public, black, white, cripples, elderly, and young. They engage in the process of brutalizing the public irrespective of their race. Such occurs because of the disadvantage that is present in the American society tied to the order and law conservatives. The individuals who are paranoid crime fears have castigated the development and growth of the American police state (Finn 934). Such makes the officers to seldom engage in the prevention of the criminal acts.

            Daily, in all areas of America, people that attempt to question or resist the order from the police that is subjected to them become victims of police brutality. The citizens are facing faced catheterization, cavity searches, roadside strip searches, and the forced blood draws. Americans, who are as young as 4 years are tasered, handcuffed, leg shackled, and held at a gun point because of not being orderly, quiet, and having a childlike behavior (Durden 1). The argument is that these individuals are not compliant with the law and that they should be taken to the police customer. The individuals who have hearing impairments, autism, ADHD, dementia or other forms of disability, which limits them from communication are vulnerable to the police who misconstrue their actions.

            There is no prevalence on the city where Americans live. Both small towns and the big cities are experiencing the same problem (Sproles 340). The government agents are using the uniform power and their authority to consider individuals as people who lack rights in the conduct of their duties. The freedoms of the Americans, especially the 4th Amendment are torn asunder by the government bureaucrats who hold a believe that they are the ones who have the right to arrest, scan, strip, search, probe, spy on, and seize any person at any time because of a slight provocation (Durden 1).

            The relative concept of rough rides, rough interrogation, and pain compliance that is coupled with the direct beatings, on-site executions, murders, and shootings by the American police has the final say. From 2003, the law enforcement officers in America have killed several citizens as compared to what is experienced in the insurgents in Iraq (Turbeville 1). All the way from federal to the local levels in America, the behavior that was in the past regarded as innocuous and normal is now regulated and mandated by the web of the government agencies. Any defiance and disagreement of the mandates has the impact of leading to the attainment of the clash from the police forces that are militarized and the eventual confinement to the cage where there is the treatment of the offender as an animal. In 2016 (Turbeville 1), American children were separated from their parents by the state due to the economic status, upbringing methods, and political beliefs of the parents. There is no such country as American that results in the imprisonment of several people, yet the nation is considered to be a free country in the world.


Majority of the citizens in America do not know the law. Thus, the police have a chance to use this as their advantage to create a hostile environment for the public (Turbeville 1). For example, the border patrol agents tend to get away with several things since Americans, especially the immigrants; they do not know the law. Hence, Americans at the border are facing intensive harassment from the police, which is making it complex for them to have a good life in society. The brutality from these law enforcers is also raising concerns on whether the police can help to ensure that individuals in society are kept safe.

            The increase in the PC fascism that surrounds the country will result in silencing the free expression and speech through the use of the law (Turbeville 1). The arrests are being extended to children that act in the elementary schools while the first duty of the Americans is to engage in obeying the authority of the police without being subjected to brutal torture, takedowns, and possible death. The law is meant to protect the people, but in America it is appearing that the law is the one that is important as compared to the citizens in the country.

            The American police force is engaging in numerous arrests without focusing on getting the evidence (Harrigan and Davies 1). An example of this is where the insurance agent in Pennsylvania was inspecting the property and found a plant that he identified as marijuana (Harrigan and Davies 1). The agent immediately informed the police who raided the house of the elderly couple living in the area. The husband was not in the house when the police dragged the wife in her underwear and ransacked the house for some hours. The findings were that there is nothing that is illegal and the marijuana plant was just a hibiscus. Such an example depicts how the American police have developed the strategy and attitude of raiding and then asking the questions later. The mentality is bad and has made the American society to be a State of police who have control on everything including the private life of the citizens. There is also no clear distinction that is made between ‘lawbreaker’ and ‘criminal’.

            The criminal justice system of America has the perception that the law enforcement body should take transgressions by public members seriously as compared to what is done by the fellow prosecutors and police. The prosecutors and the police are uniformly in favor of the mercy and leniency, especially when there is conviction of any of them for engaging in the wrongdoings in society (Harrigan and Davies 1).


Several civil liberties fear that the constitution could be under siege (Gentile 1). The fears are tied to the National Defense Authorization Act of the 2012 that created the provision for the military to proceed with detaining the American citizens without subjecting them to trial when they are accused of supporting terrorists or being terrorists. Such is an extreme position, which will change the state of America since the indefinite detention offers several trends in law and policing enforcement where there is alarming of the civil liberties. The technological advancements and external threats are creating new challenges to the rights of the citizens as they are included in the constitution.

            The constitution is also creating provisions that target the U.S. citizens for killing. Thus, Americans are subjected to the state of being executed by their government (Gentile 1). Witnesses who engage in recording the actions of the police are also arrested. Further, the media is limited such that it cannot be able to cover the actions of the police in society. Such creates room for these officers to continue in their wrong doings in society. The tactics are aimed at stifling the coverage of the media on the raids that conducted by the police.

            The Americans no longer enjoy their privacy. There are GPS systems and surveillance drones that have been installed everywhere, which help in tracking the private, social, religious, and economic lives of the citizens (Gentile 2). The police use GPS devices as the means of tracking thousands of the criminal suspects on annual basis, but such practices have the impact of violating the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits against unreasonable seizures and searches. The improvement on technology in the nation will continue to make the power of tracking the movement of people dangerous. The surveillance drones are also being used to monitor the protest movements, find children that are missing, and hunt fugitives. These drones have the potential of recording and seeking out suspicious behavior.

Nature of Society

Tyranny, expansionism, and militarism have become the American civilization hallmark. Such is a sorrowful thing for a country that leaders are considered to be good examples in the world of the freedom. Inequality and injustice is slowly paving way in the social life of the people in the country (Considering Police Body Cameras 1794). These are supported by the emerging police state, which focuses on the protection and preservation of the rights of the people who are considered to be powerful in the nation. Further, the state is oppressing the citizens within their land, which makes it impossible for public members to have a freedom of expression and association. For example, since the 9/11 attacks, Muslims in the country face intensive persecution through different forms of harassment, unlawful seizures and searches, entrapments, espionage plots, and extrajudicial detention (Finn 934). These activities are also extended to other Americans in the country. Hence, there is no race or ethnic background, which can be considered to be highly protected by the emerging police state.


In conclusion, America is becoming a police state slowly. Thus, the country needs to have the Second Amendment and not the corrupt police force, which is in play at the moment. Hence, America is a police state. The number of the military soldiers that parade on the streets has increased significantly. There is also an increase in the number of the citizens who are brutalized mentally and physically by the individuals that are sworn to protect and serve. The United States currently exists as a nation where several millions of the public members are locked away in conditions of inhuman confinement while others are subjected to crimes that nobody was a victim. Therefore, the country needs to change its approach and focus on addressing the issue of emerging police state, which will make life difficult to live.

Works Cited

Beem, Edgar.  The Universal notebook: Are we becoming a police state? April 16, 2018. <>

"Considering Police Body Cameras." Harvard Law Review, vol. 128, no. 6, Apr. 2015, pp. 1794


Criminal Justice Hub.  The U.S. Police State: How the United States has become its own worst


Web. 9th May, 2018.

Durden, Tyler.  Run for your life: The America police state is coming to get you.


Finn, Jeanine, et al. "Unprepared for Information Interactions: Abuse Survivors and

Police." Journal of Documentation, vol. 67, no. 6, Dec. 2011, pp. 933-957.

Gentile, Sal. Are we becoming a police state? Five things that have civil liberties advocates

nervous. December 7, 2011.

Harrigan, James, and Davies, Antony. Is America a police state? Web. 9th

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Roberts, Paul. The U.S. has devolved into a police state. Jan 11, 2018.

Sproles, C. A. "The Use and Abuse of Police Power in America: Historical Milestones and

Current Controversies." Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, vol. 55, no. 3, Nov. 2017, p. 340.

Turbeville, Brandon. Call it what it is: America is a police state. March 3, 2016. <>

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