The MC68HC05B6 Microcontroller

The memory for a certain computer consists of 4 Mbytes of RAM.This is to be made up from 256K by 4 bits RAM chips.

What is the number of RAM chips are needed in total.

                                                                 (3 marks)

What is the number of address bits that must be fed to an address decoder for this system?                                                          (3 marks)

The program counter is set to 56 and that section of program is run.What will be the binary number stored in the 8-bit accumulator immediately after instruction 3 has been executed 5 times?                                                 (7 marks)

Question 5(carries 35% of marks)

An MC 68HC05B6 microcontroller will form the control unit for monitoring of certain conditions in a room. The monitoring is done as follows:

(i)Three sensors convert the temperature, humidity and amount of light into equivalent analog voltages in the range of 0 to 5 V.

(ii)One light and two PowerPoint switches have their ON/OFF positions converted into 5V/0V.

(iii)The door and open/closed sensors give 5V/0V.

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