The issue of homelessness


Homelessness is a serious societal issue that affects most nations and has been becoming worse over time. The main causes of the issue may be institutional, personal, structural, and interpersonal. Increased rates of unemployment, rising levels of poverty, and the current economic crisis all contribute to these concerns. Due to tight property markets, changes to benefits, and rising unemployment, young people are most at risk from the problem. Additionally, the issues of drug usage and social isolation raise their risk of homelessness. The reason behind this is that these individuals do not have sufficient funds to fend for their needs and cannot afford to acquire or pay rent for stable housing.

Health intervention for the homeless

The main goal of the Interventions to Improve the Health of the Homeless article is to provide guidance on how to develop and organize programs that enhance the health of homeless people. It is a scholarly article that was written to discuss how the plans for health care for the homeless people have to be undertaken. The organization of this article is a good one, and it focuses on the health issues related to homelessness. According to this article, homeless individuals are often prone to severe health conditions. For instance, a large percentage of the U.S population has either problems of drug abuse or mental health. Also, injuries, skin problems, assault, cold exposure, infectious diseases, and chronic medical conditions are also prevalent for these people (Turnbull, Muckle & Masters, 2007).

The journal about Homelessness and Health

The journal about Homelessness and Health aimed at discussing the increasing number of homeless people yearly. According to the article, the rate of homelessness increases by thousands each year. Homeless people are unstably housed and are prone to health crises and lifelong problems. Also, young people who live in streets become part of the street evils such as addiction, sexual abuse, and violence. In the long run, they find themselves with severe health issues due to the exposure to various risks (Hwang, Tolomiczenko, Kouyoumdjian & Garner, 2005). Despite these problems, there is hope since the journal goes ahead to talk about a body that identifies a cost-effective approach to addressing these social and health consequences.

Poverty intervention for the homeless

The Journal of Relationships Between Housing and Food Insecurity, Frequent Mental Distress, and Insufficient Sleep Among Adults discusses how both food and housing insecurity may lead to problems with insufficient sleep and mental distress. According to this scholarly journal, poverty leads to housing and food insecurity since people in this condition do not have enough money to buy nutritious meals or pay rent. Its material is organized and focused all the way from introduction to conclusion. The results primarily are not biased since the researchers concluded that there was a positive relationship between the variables. The results show that high levels of poverty increase the problem of homelessness and therefore to curb this problem, individuals need to be supported in their walk away from poverty (Liu et al., 2014).

The article about the Effectiveness of Case Management for Homeless Persons

The article about the Effectiveness of Case Management for Homeless Persons was written to discuss the various interventions for the homeless adults. One of these interventions is to reduce the level of poverty among them. The article discusses the ethical duty of helping individuals to access resources that improve their financial status as well as providing them cost-free services. Homeless individuals are mainly concerned with meeting their basic needs as well as the needs of their family members. Because of this, psychologists need to have sufficient knowledge about a number of available resources and connect the people in need actively with the services. The resources that should be considered include food, healthcare, legal services, childcare, medications and housing options (de Vet et al., 2013). To distribute these resources fairly, there is a need, to begin with the basic needs so that the other concerns of higher order can be addressed later. If the basic needs are addressed well, the level of poverty among the people will decrease and so to the level of homelessness.


Homeless individuals should be provided with the resources they need to improve their living standards. Effective interventions to improve the financial situations and the health of individuals are in urgent need. The findings from the four peer-reviewed journals can help by guiding psychologists, policymakers, clinicians, and researchers. They will apply it as they design, implement and evaluate the interventions discussed. Despite this, there is still a need for a continuing effort to address the issues caused by homelessness. The effort should also be aimed at reducing the rate at which people go homeless but ensuring the availability of stable housing.

Homelessness and Poverty

Homelessness is greatly associated with poverty in the essence that when people are leaving in poverty, they cannot afford stable housing. Poor individuals, especially those who do not have income, cannot be able to pay rent and also do not have their housing. For this reason, they can remain homeless for long unless interventions of curbing poverty are put in place. Also, they face other problems associated with poverty and homelessness and are forced to live miserable and unhealthy lives.


de Vet, R., van Luijtelaar, M. J., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., Vanderplasschen, W., Beijersbergen, M. D., & Wolf, J. R. (2013). Effectiveness of case management for homeless persons: a systematic review. American Journal of Public Health, 103(10), e13-e26.

Hwang, S. W., Tolomiczenko, G., Kouyoumdjian, F. G., & Garner, R. E. (2005). Interventions to improve the health of the homeless: a systematic review. American journal of preventive medicine, 29(4), 311-311.

Liu, Y., Njai, R. S., Greenlund, K. J., Chapman, D. P., & Croft, J. B. (2014). Peer Reviewed: Relationships Between Housing and Food Insecurity, Frequent Mental Distress, and Insufficient Sleep Among Adults in 12 US States, 2009. Preventing chronic disease, 11.

Turnbull, J., Muckle, W., & Masters, C. (2007). Homelessness and health. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 177(9), 1065-1066.

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