The Importance of Pool in the World

Pool is a form of cue sports that is usually played on top of of a table that has six pockets where balls are normally deposited. Currently, there are different pool games such as bank pool, one –pocket, seven – ball, blackball, eight and nine- ball. Thereafter spending at least 3 hours at Mile –High pool hall in Denver, I was able to come into terms with how players train, improve their skills and estimate how many hours they usually spend training at the pool so that they can be perfect. Finally, I was able to relate with the materials that pool players use while playing 9/8 ball games. Pool is a very common game all over the World and at least every person can be able to relate with it.

While I was at Mile –High pool hall, I was able to note that most players train and improve their skills by training under pressure. Just like the English men said ‘A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor’ individuals at the pool hall believe that training without pressure will not make you become a skillful player. Next in order, players at the hall train and improve their skills by creating enough training time. On average, I was able to note that each player spends about 6 hours in a day to practice. In regards to this information, it is obviously clear that the more time one spends in practicing and learning about this cue sports, the more they become successful and skillful. Most players at the pool hall believe that if one is interested in learning about the sports, they should never create excuses by saying that they do not have enough time to practice the sport.

Thirdly, most pool players improve their skills by creating a plan and having an objective mind. After engaging with at least 3 players from the hall, I was able to understand on the importance of a plan. Primarily, a plan is very effective as it helps the players know what is expected of him or her while playing the game. From an overall perspective, most of the skillful players in the World have a plan since lack of planning is planning to fail.  On the other hand, an objective mind is very important when it comes to being a skillful player and understanding how the game really works. Thereafter observing the attitudes of different players across the hall, I was able to realize that almost all of them had a positive attitude and objective mind towards the game. Predominantly, lack of positivity, clear and objective minds is likely to affect one’s performance and skills in the game.

Fourthly, I was also able to note that training a single facet at a time is very effective in improving one’s skills and general game performance. As mentioned earlier on, there are several types of pool games. During the training process, I was able to notice that players specialize in a single facet. It is practically impossible to specialize in different facets. Primarily, the essence of specializing in a single facet is to be able to learn about all the tricks that are associated with the articular game. Reflective of the 8 ball game also known as stripes or solids, lows and highs, the main materials that are required to play the game are at least a cue ball, 2 cue sticks, 15 object balls that consists of seven balls that are solid – colored and stripped. While observing the 8 ball game, I re4alized that the game is only played by two players only. Each player is supposed to play using one set of ball games.

Thereafter reviewing a peer – reviewed anthropological article, a cue stick also known as a snooker, pool or billiard’s cue is a tapered stick that measures about 59 – 57 inches long (1.5 meters) (Jackson & Michael & James 27). However, it should be noted that the length of a cue stick primarily depends on factors such as the arm length and height of the player. Next in order, a cue ball refers to the white ball that is used in playing against the other 16 balls (solid/striped). Other minor materials that are used in playing the game are cue powder, cue stand/holder and a cue chalk. Fundamentally, the cue chalk is used to sharpen the cue stick to avoid miscuing while the cue holder is used to hold the cue stick. Finally, the cue powder is applied on the arms of the players or on the cue stick to prevent friction and miscuing (Jackson & Michael & James 34). In conclusion, pool is a cue sports game that is very common all over the World. It takes a lot of dedication and time for one to learn on how to play it. As mentioned earlier on, this sport requires at least 6 hours of training so that one can be able to achieve perfection. Each type of pool game has its own rules and regulations.

Works Cited

Jackson, Michael, D. Michael McCarthy, and James R. Berry. "Billiard game and apparatus." U.S. Patent Application No. 15/281,782.

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