The Importance of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Genetically modified organism (GMO) is whereby genes of another body is used to alter DNA of another living thing through bioengineering. The end organism is considered by scientists to be nutritious and tastier and is resistant to climate change and diseases. There are, therefore, many arguments surrounding the fact that GMOs are beneficial to both human beings and their governments. The leading case is that they are economic friendly and are safe for human consumption as per the scientists who have researched the same.

Question 2

GMOs are economic friendly in the sense that they require fewer inputs like chemicals and fertilizers as compared to other crops and that they are drought resistant. These crops require less or even tilling methods to sustain them in the farm as they are friendly to the herbicides applied on them. The second key point is that GMOs has also saved a lot on food wastage. Most crops are genetically modified to resist bruising and other damages during transportation and repackaging. Another critical point is that genetically modified crops are nutritious. Soybeans produced through this process has oils in it that eliminates fats in the body maintaining the high level of omega 3 in the body. GMO has led to the growth of agricultural industries whereby genetically modified crops saves the industries that manufacture them and the ones that process the same plants.

Question 3     

This essay will mainly address the farmers with low standards of living who require simple and less demanding ways of crop production. GMO crops are specially developed to match their wishes which are easing financial constraints in the farm. However, there are challenges which may make it difficult to support this argument before them. One of the problems is that many GMOs crops need one to sign an agreement with the company for a farmer to individually grow the crop. One may be taken to court upon breaching these agreements. Another challenge is that there is more use of herbicides which causes harm to nature because these crops are friendly to herbicides applied to them. Therefore, the more they are tolerant to herbicides, the more chemicals farmers use on them which in turn pollute the environment. The third challenge is that GMO creates weeds which are resistant to chemicals. As more herbicides are applied to the crops, plants begin to develop resistance to these chemicals which try to kill them thus the creation of super-weeds. 

Question 4     

Overcoming food shortage in the world, especially in the developing countries is my primary goal which this essay intends to accomplish. GMO crops being economical, drought resistant, and tolerant to herbicides would best fit these countries which are usually hit by famine and drought. Considering the many challenges that these genetically modified crops faces, more efforts need to be put to ensure that this becomes successful. I will the support of different authorities and organizations especially non-governmental to help convince the world that indeed these crops can solve their food problems. Scientists will also play a key role by convincing the entire public that GMO crops are fit for human consumption without implications on their health.

Question 5     

Ruane, John, and Andrea Sonnino. "Agricultural biotechnologies in developing countries and their possible contribution to food security." Journal of Biotechnology 156.4 (2011): 356-363.

            This article explains that towards solving food shortages and improving agriculture in developing countries, agricultural biotechnology is the key thing to be put in place. It further explains that agrarian biotechnologies will lead to improved animal and plant production and in the diagnosis of their diseases.

Aerni, Philipp. "Stakeholder attitudes towards the risks and benefits of genetically modified crops in South Africa." Environmental Science & Policy 8.5 (2005): 464-476.

This article gives the results of a stakeholders' study on GMOs crop carried out in South Africa that all organizations in South Africa believed in this crop including the government, scientific scholars and both the producers and consumers.

 Martin, Hannah M., et al. "Analysis of GMO food products companies: financial risks and opportunities in the global agriculture industry." African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development 6.1 (2017): 1-17.

This article through a study compares financial levels of GMOs producing companies and other familiar ones. The investigation revealed that GMO firms have a relatively higher return compared to the other companies. It also stated that feeding people with GMOs produce could make the most effective way due to its safety and nutritional benefits.

Question 6

Agricultural biotechnology is the only way believed to solve food shortage problems in the third world countries as its final products are viable. Through agrarian biotechnology, development of agro-based industries will be on the rise and also create more job opportunities. The second key point is the solving of food problem in the starving nations. Feeding the hungry people through genetically modified crops is believed to be the most effective way.  High returns in the GMOs companies is the last key point: these companies experience high returns financially as they are the most economical crops and most preferred by scholars thus experiencing higher sales than other ones.

Question 7

Evidence will be placed after the statement of the second source; the survey was also conducted in other countries like Mexico and Philippines. Power politics and competition for trust from the public surrounded the matter. This saw the stakeholders from Europe taking over regulations of GMOs on the third world countries and becoming influential. National academia stakeholder was the most trusted but less involved in foreign workers. The other evidence can be placed in the last source after the last line: in the sub-Saharan region of Africa especially Nigeria, most people live below the poverty line with the food problem being their major challenge and it is believed that GMOs crops can help ease the situation.

Question 8     

The most effective revision strategy for this paper would be making a hard copy. Using a hard copy for my work will allow me to lay all the pages and go through to see the distance my essay has gone unlike using my personal computer where I can only view one page at a time. This will also help me point out problems or mistakes from a broader perspective and make useful corrections on the same.

Question 9

Feedback is often seen as a criticism for a particular mistake done and can be used as a motivating factor. Depending on the kind of feedback I get, either negative or positive the input will help me improve my writing. Negative feedback will help me pick on the areas I'm poor in and perfect them before doing my next work. Positive feedback will help me ensure that any action that follows is completed and becomes better than the last. Feedback can be integrated by picking the critical points of the input and relating it to your work. This will help understand the areas of weakness and strengths.

Works Cited

Azadi, Hossein, Friedhelm Taube, and Fatemeh Taheri. "Co-existence of GM, conventional and organic crops in developing countries: Main debates and concerns." Critical reviews in food science and nutrition (2017): 1-12.

Adenle, Ademola A., E. Jane Morris, and Denis J. Murphy, eds. Genetically Modified Organisms in Developing Countries. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Murphy, Denis J. "2 Recent Scientific Developments in Genetic Technologies: Implications for Future Regulation of GMOs in Developing Countries." Genetically Modified Organisms in Developing Countries: Risk Analysis and Governance

(2017): 13.

Lull, Robert B., and Dietram A. Scheufele. "Understanding and Overcoming Fear of the Unnatural in Discussion of GMOs." The Oxford Handbook of the Science of Science Communication (2017): 409.

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