The Importance of Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech and Its Significance

Freedom of speech entails the regulations and laws that grant a citizen or people of a given country the right to talk openly. In nearly all cases, democratic nations allow their citizens to express opinions and ideas freely, albeit to a certain level, without infringing other person’s rights. Freedom of speech is one of the many fundamental rights in countries such as the USA and England. However, it has elicited both negative and positive opinion across different cultures, religion, and political divides. One of the main arguments by the opponents of freedom of speech is that it results to hate speech thus hurting others. However, when carefully applied, freedom of speech will encourage not only social evolution but also peaceful change, social-political stability and promote social evolution. Moreover, freedom of speech fosters the generation of new ideas and is a basic human right as protected in “Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” (Howie 14). Therefore, freedom of speech should be highly encouraged.

The Relationship Between Free Speech and Democracy

There is the evidence that protection of free speech correlates to increased democracy level, economic growth, and social-political stability. Free speech is necessary for democracy and a safeguard against tyranny. One may question the reason to why many monstrous regimes arose in the 20th century. The idea is that armed fanatics did all that it took to silence their adversaries and critics. Once in power, the Nazis and other totalitarians criminalized any form of criticism of their regime. Such acts are everyday occurrences in brutal regimes and strongman states across Africa and Arab (Howie 14). We utilize barbed speech to undermine not only petty oppressors of our daily life but also political dictators and authoritarian regimes. Studies show that there is a bidirectional association between freedom of speech and economic development (Howie 13). Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa that have developed systems maintaining free expression and media freedom have lower levels of violent transitions and political uprisings. Developing countries consistently implement additional press freedoms. Democratic societies nurture informed and engaged citizens who objectively weigh-in on various societal affairs. Educating the public on social and political concerns empowers them to be part of the democratic and political stability (Herbeck 246).

The Role of Free Speech in Social Evolution

Additionally, sociologists have pointed out the importance of freedom of speech in the promotion of social evolution (Howie 13). Traditionally, free speech was an indispensable tool for democratic governance and fundamental individual right. Currently, well-established social theories explain the importance of speech in the considerably differentiated modern societies. As the division of labor increases so does the need for increased freedom of expression. Increased individuation has led to a diminishing of shared beliefs. Thus, the economic, political, and social decision cannot be efficiently made by societies without promoting freedoms of expression (Howie 14). There is a greater need for consensus building among persons in the modern but highly differentiated communities, to promote harmony and meaningful coexistence. The consensus only thrives in environments where there is free speech and active listening. Therefore, freedom of speech is vital in fostering social evolution.

Freedom of Speech as a Fundamental Human Right

Moreover, freedom of expression and free speech is widely considered a fundamental human right because it reinforces all other rights. “The right is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” (Howie 13). Most philosophical thinkers consider freedom of speech as an amalgamation of several other facets such as the right to express opinions without fear of retribution (Herbeck 246). It is a primary element of a healthy and open-ended democracy since it allows persons to freely and efficiently involve in political and social happenings in their countries. In fact, freedom of expression and speech provide greater scope and meaning for citizenry, extending the concept from inherent existence to giving an individual a social and political life. However, some governments and institutions have made speaking out more dangerous. Such countries have resulted in repression, cold-war control, and the application of censorship and Marxism concepts. People who speak freely get tortured and even killed (DiPietro).

The Importance of Free Speech in Fostering Innovation and Development

Furthermore, freedom of speech allows the free flow of new ideas that foster societal development. A free society relies significantly on the exchange of concepts and ideas. The “marketplace of ideas,” is a concept that was popularized by Stuart Mill. The concept recognizes that individuals voice diverse opinions that may lead to vetted and desirable socio-political solutions (Rogerson 56). That is why free speech is the essential institution of liberty. When people decide to bury their feelings, they may not make themselves accessible to others and may withdraw from the society. Such actions will be detrimental not only to human socialization but also to their mental and psychological health. Looking at the history of most countries in the west, it is apparent that freedom of speech was closely related to the one of the press and constitutionalism. Free-flowing debates and ideas may lead to innovation, creativity, cultural evolution, and education (The New York Times). Free speech could then promote innovative ideas that led to industrial revolutions and technology growth. Most societies that are frightened by the consequences of free speech are the ones with the most severe censorship laws and lag behind in social, economic indicators. Therefore, when people speak freely, they can bring positive social and economic change in society. One can imagine a world in which soothsayers, oracles, visionaries, or gurus have the truth that we need but we cannot access. History informs people that that is not the world they live.

Freedom of Speech and Peaceful Change

Also, freedom of expression promotes peaceful change in societies. In free communities, public information establishes common knowledge either through mainstream media or the social communication sites. If an individual or institution is free to persuade others to change, chances of violence will significantly reduce (The New York Times). It is apparent that peaceful political change is more probable in countries that allow free speech since it not only helps in holding governments accountable but also exposes political corruption, reports on performance, and follows up political promises. Through consistently criticizing things that people cannot change, citizens may end up getting the revolution they require (Sean 32).

The Adverse Effects of Free Speech

Apart from the many advantages, free speech has some adverse effects on society. One of the most important disadvantages of freedom of expression is that it results in harmful impact on other persons. Numerous times, people have confused free speech with being able to say anything they believe. Since it is a fundamental human right, freedom of speech is perceived to be boundless. Persons who wield much emphasis on freedom of expression may think that it allows them to say whatever they wish, anytime and anywhere. Persons that ardently embrace free speech for their vested interest, especially in social media, may forget that their expression has adverse impacts on other persons because it makes them overlook the consequences of their actions and thoughts (Rogerson 15). In some situations, the ability to freely speak or express opinions can be a form of targeting a person or a group of people. Persons enjoying to bully or harass other people may think that they are only “expressing their thoughts,” (The New York Times). For instance, use of images to ridicule Prophet Muhammad led to conflicts and protests. Drawing cartoons of Prophet Muhammad caused anguish on devout Muslims (The New York Times). Hence, there is a need for governments to limit the freedoms of speech.


It is evident that freedom of speech needs to have limits. However, such exceptions need to be strictly delineated and objectively justified. They should not be a basis for considering free speech as a fungible good. Some persons may confuse free speech with freedom to speak anything, anyhow, and anytime hence causing social, economic, and psychological ramifications. Such situations require sober minds and objective thought to ensure that free speech does not lead to harming others. Apart from the few challenges, free speech has many advantages. Not only does freedom of speech promote peaceful change but also social, economic, and political stability. Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and fosters the development of new concepts and the progression of societies. Therefore, it should be upheld.

Works Cited

DiPietro, Becca. There’s a World of Difference Between Free Speech and Hate Speech. 2017. 2018 .

Herbeck, Dale. "Freedom of speech and the communication discipline: defending the value of low-value speech." Communication Education, vol. 67, no. 2 (2018): pp. 245-253.

Howie, Emily. "Protecting the human right to freedom of expression in international law." International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Vol. 20, no. 1 (2017): pp. 12-15.

Rogerson, Simon, et al. The Impact of Smart Technology on Users and Society 4th ed., vol. 14. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016.

Sean, Gregory. "The Price Of Free Speech." Time, vol. 176, no. 14 (2010): 30-34.

The New York Times. Free Speech vs. Hate Speech. 2015. 2015 .

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