The Importance of Being Human

Over a couple of years, the preference for products and services along with purchasing behavior of millennial generation has been significantly exposed to isolation. Millennials are categorized under the Generation Y group between the ages of 25 to 35 years, and among more than 66 million of the world's population but less in number than the boomers. There is a different description of Millennials from prior generation due to the prevailing economic attributes such as recession, large share of labor market due to a high number of an older generation moving into retirement along with high level of education. A business venture in Salon and Spa requires owners to strategize on a business model that suite the demands of the modern customer in a stylish way that differentiates them from traditional ones. The approach incorporates the understanding of new trends that gives the millennials a sense of convenience and different options form a variety of services and products offered by various fashions. Evaluation of specific trends will help attract the millennials, who are the current largest target group in Salon and Spa business.

Trends of Millennials

1. Mobile Services: The beauty industry has adopted a marketing strategy that shifts traditional services towards mobile-oriented business that incorporates websites. The approach entails the use of mobile professionals such as hairstylists, nail techs, and estheticians who operate beyond storefronts and bricks. Millennials are using social networks to determine the best service and products providers, giving insight to salon and spa owners to develop websites that engage them directly through online services. The approach also requires the adopting of an innovative method of selling their products through applications that demonstrate how these services and products work.

2. The influx of Fashion: Millennials are currently considering the effects of these products and services on their health, wellness, and fitness. These requirements entail the use of scientific and technological advances that embrace traditionally reserved products along with the current fashion. The approach requires salon and Spa owners to implement a strategy that incorporates makeup, hair, and skin products that bear influential names in the world of fashion.

3. Going online or going home: Most of the current customers are shopping are ordering goods and services through online services. The forum provides detailed information about the product, content, and most preferably, the prices of the relevant commodities. It is the responsibility of the business owners to develop online services such as Facebook and Twitter, with an appealing description of products as well as attractive prices. Additionally, these business owners should provide a price checking penchant that enables millennials to compare the value and costs of products and services.

4. Men consideration: The beauty and fashion industry have seized from being a girls business club and incorporated the changing needs and preferences of male customers. Millennials are associated with changing attitudes regarding the gender roles which ignite the growth in male beauty and fashion requirements outpacing women catered services. These trends play a crucial role in the enhancement of business mapping strategy due to massive changes in technology and lifestyle.

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