The Impact of Technology on Society

The technological advances in today’s world have been of greater impact to the society. The world is connected with technological devices ranging from mobile phones, laptops, and other advanced gadgets. These hi-tech devices have not only connected people from different parts of the world but also brainwashed individuals to fully commit to technology in their day to day activities. This has therefore impacted human relationship since technology has been used as a substitute for human beings.

            Most of the people are in a dilemma trying to find an ultimate answer as to whether the recent technological advances are of much benefit than their impacts to the society. Sherry Turkle, in her book “Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other” tries to illustrate today’s people have turned to “technological cyborgs”. She argues that most of the people have developed the habit of fully committing to technology to an extent of seeing life without those devices as probably impossible to live. 

            Among the emphasis that Turkle has pointed in her book include the technological impacts to the millennium generation such as how the exposure to the internet has affected their social welfare.  Turkle is rather neutral on the current technological advances due to her illustration of both the good and the bad side of the internet world. Turkle mostly focuses on the cruel part of technology and its impacts on both individuals and society at large.

            Sherry Turkle in her book “Alone Together” has been successfully in expressing “the robotic moment" and how technology has impacted our social life, thus anticipating more from technology and less from family, friends, and co-workers.

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