The Impact of Technology

Technology, like a coin, has two sides. It has both positive and negative aspects. There are several different types of technology available today, such as computing and science. The primary aim of this paper is to address technology's influence on young children, including its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the effects technology has on them. The current human population is made up of children who are highly educated and heavily reliant on technology.
Literature Review
Pros and Cons of Technology on young Children
Despite the positive effects of technology on the lives of young children, it still has drawbacks. As previously said, technology is similar to a coin. Each side is dependent on how humans use it. If it is used for positive things, it will give a positive feedback. If it is used for negative things, it will give a negative feedback (Chaudron & Beutel & Donoso Navarrete & Dreier & Fletcher-Watson & Heikkilä & Mascheroni, 2015). The following is a list of some of the main pros. Through technology, children develop better motor skills. These skills are developed when the children are playing with the mouse, keyboard, touchpad and computers. This form of playing is healthy.

Technology is also vital since it helps to improve cognitive functions among children. These functions are very important since they help in developing a child’s thinking capacity; it also helps them to be bright and sharp (Plowman, 2015). A good example of some of this technologies include video games, different forms of educative programs and challenges available on devices such as mobile phones and iPads.

Unlike adults, young children have a lot of free time. Under wrong influence and peer pressure they may end up engaging in habits that are not pleasing. In this case, technology is a pro since it helps to preoccupy their minds (Subrahmanyam & Greenfield & Kraut & Gross, 2001). If you leave a child with a tablet or a smart phone, Nintendo, Xbox or a PlayStation; you don’t have to be worried. Recent studies by different observers have shown that young children can spend many hours, days and even weeks on these devices. This prevents them from engaging in activities that may endanger their lives or get them injured.

Technology is also important among young children since it helps enhancing their language skills. Most of the young children have a poor command of language that needs to be developed (Willett, 2013). Their language skills can be enhanced through the introduction of e-books and games that are rich in language command. Most of this e-books and language commands contain vocabulary that is complex but within the young readers context.

Human beings are social beings that need to interact with one another. The early stages of life among a child determine whether they are going to be social or not. In this case; technology is important in the sense that it helps the young children develop better social skills (Thomas, 2011). Today; there exist several social media sites. Some of the main social sites include Facebook, twitter and Instagram. This sites help in developing their ability to relate and socialize with other people from different parts of the World.

Today; it is possible for young children to perform better in their examinations and classes thanks to online educational programs. Most of this programs offer syllabus and content being taught to young children in their schools. Research has shown that young children/students who are exposed to such programs or modes of study are likely to excel in their studies as compared to those who are not (Stephen & Stevenson & Adey, 2013). Lastly; games are very important since they help in improving the hand – eye coordination. This form of coordination is important since it helps in reading texts and books in a coordinative manner.

Technology might prove to be a very important aspect in the lives and upbringing of young children; however, it has its own cons/negative aspect. First, this form of technology leads to the development of a lifestyle that is sedentary. As a result of the children being too busy and engrossed with technology, they end up segregating themselves from outdoor activities, parks and playgrounds (Hsin & Tsai, 2014). This has negative returns in the sense that these children will be unhealthy and unfit. Their physical process of development may also be affected.

Developmental disabilities may also result from overusing technology. The current generation has a higher number of young children with developmental disabilities as compared to the older generation. Some of these disorders include obesity, ADHD, anxiety, processing and coordination disorder and depression (Plowman & Stephen & McPake, 2010). Most of these disorders are as a result of lack of physical exercises and outdoor activities. Young children are also less sociable. This means that’s they have minimal time for interaction with other people. As much as technology comes hand in hand with social programs and sites; it leads to less socialization in the sense that this children lack family time. They are also unable to build and develop their interpersonal relationships

The use of technology may impact the life of young children in a negative way since it may lead to the development of social problems. Some of these problems include the growing demand/need for instant gratification, weak interpersonal skills and impatience (Subrahmanyam & Greenfield & Kraut & Gross, 2001). It may also lead to reduced/poor problem solving skills and lead to the development of a lateral thinking ability. Most of the young children who overuse technology do not have good ideas and skills to solve different kinds of problems. They also lack a sense of concentration issues and imagination. Other Physical limitations that are associated with technology among young children include the development of weak muscles, low muscle tones and gross motor problems.

Technology is very addictive. Young Children may end up being addicted with some of the technological devices. These devices may end up consuming most of their time hence affecting their studies and other important schedules. Children may spend a majority of their free time gaming instead of doing constructive activities such as reading and helping out with house chore activities. Moving on swiftly, most of the technological devices are harmful in the sense that they have WI-FI radiations that are carcinogenic (Chaudron & Beutel & Donoso Navarrete & Dreier & Fletcher-Watson & Heikkilä & Mascheroni, 2015). These forms of radiation are very toxic to the survival and development of the Human body. Carcinogens do not react positively with most of the Human body cells.

Lastly; technology has a negative effect in the sense that it may cause eye irritation and reaction if the subjects involved uses most of their time of these devices. For instance; Constant viewing of the TVs may cause visual complications (Thomas, 2011). Some of the content that is displayed by the technological devices is very absurd. Images that are violent and sexual might be aired. These images might contribute to the development of a bad thinking capacity among the viewers (Willett, 2013). Most of the children end up being violent and having minds that are sexually spoilt because of viewing programs from the internet and the TVs.


Based on the research about the pros and cons of technology it is safe to say that technology has a balanced effect on young children. Generally, based on the research, technology has impacted the lives of very many young children positively (Stephen & Stevenson & Adey, 2013). The innovation of the internet has enabled them to carry out research. They are also able to learn and acquire new information on a daily basis.

Children can also be able to locate and interact with other children, read useful information such as story books and syllabus notes (Hsin & Tsai, 2014). Most of the children rely on technology so that they can be able to play games. These games stimulate their cognitive abilities and functions. They also help to become more active and as a result, children are able to develop their attention and regulation skills.

On the negative side, based on the cons discussed above, technology leads to autism/ADHD, mental illness and developmental delay. It also causes overstimulation, isolation and neglecting. As much as young children are supposed to play together in parks and playgrounds, technology has made children be less playful physically (Plowman, 2015). Most of the children in the current generation are not social. They like staying alone. They end up neglecting spending time with their family members and other close personnel. We should all embrace technology on a positive note or else young children might end up suffering technological consequences.


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Subrahmanyam, K., Greenfield, P., Kraut, R., & Gross, E. (2001). The impact of computer use on children's and adolescents' development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 22(1), 7-30.

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