The Impact of Machine Vision on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) will become part of companies and masses by the end of this decade. Unlike other previous technological developments which have interrupted service and blue-collar jobs, the recent AI advances will also affect the management. Imagine an organization where AI automates the planning, reporting and resource allocation as well as relieving managers of their administrative duties that are time consuming and tedious. AI-assisted hypothesis, simulation and analytics can play a crucial role in the innovation, decision making and strategy of an organization.

AI presents not only unprecedented value creation opportunities but also awful challenges for managers and employees. It will force them to reexamine their parts and to redefine the fundamental principles that guide their organizations at present. The division of labor is changing, and cooperation between people and machines is increasing. AI will put an end to the managerial work. There are resilience and readiness in the ranks. The manager of the next generation will develop judgment work. Follow the first strategy for people. Managers must begin experimenting with AI. Now would be the right time for directors to start experimenting with Al and their organizations to learn from these experiences.


Everyone from Vladimir Putin to Elon Musk seems to talk suddenly about artificial Intelligence (Al) and how the market is likely to change— for better or worse. However, what does Al mean when one sets aside the hype and fears of killer robots like "Terminator?"  What is it going actually to mean for corporations? How fast is it going to come? When people talk about Al in 2018, what exactly do they mean? Artificial intelligence is a comprehensive term from 1956 to do things that previously only human beings could do. It often occurs in science fiction, but the current euphoria is centered on a particular subfield of Al known as “machine learning” that includes teaching machines to do things by example— rather than, say, " expert systems," which rely on rules and knowledge distilled by human experts.

However, optimism is primarily predicated on a particular machine learning procedure known as “deep learning” in which operating system algorithms of simple models of the human mind are taught to do simple things by demonstrating them very many examples. The simulations are known as, “Neural networks” have been around for a while, but “deep" networks are becoming ever more perfectly capable in recent decades, that are more refined and can be equipped to understand perhaps more slight differences.

In other words, deep learning is only one particular example of an AI subfield, but the excitement around this particular subfield stems from its ability to deal with a wide range of problems, from image recognition to language translation and speech transcription. The most basic questions about the nature of consciousness and intelligence are as impenetrable as ever.

Why has Al taken off abruptly over the last couple of years? The recent increase in Al is indeed the consequence of sustained advances in machine learning and, in particular, in deep learning. There are multiple reasons for it though. First, the Internet— and digitization more usually — has provided an enormous amount of data that can be used for training. Secondly, researchers have identified more effective algorithms that can be used for training in the larger, deeper neural networks

The significance of Al to the firm

The reason it is so necessary to look at Al regarding business use is that it is possible that over the next 15 years it will likely rewrite entire industries. Business researchers often do not reach a consensus. However, the one thing they always seem to concur upon is that Al and machine learning could modify the way things are done in the decades ahead. By either automation or increase, it seems clear that AI will improve "work" and indeed it knows it, and as the Internet 20 years ago, Al is a technology factor that must be on the radar of businessmen.

People with a basic knowledge of AI will not be surprised to learn that artificial intelligence applications were not necessarily new in 2010. Al's first push into the world of business (famous through so-called " expert systems ") began in the 19805 and consisted primarily of hard-coding human intelligence into rules and steps, One has to look at the most profitable businesses of today to understand the depth to which Al and machine learning have crept into the lives of the people. Amazon, Facebook, Netflix and Google, are the leaders in their segment, only because they happen to understand the value of Al and have managed to integrate it wonderfully into the mainstream day to day management of affairs.

The majority of Al applications in the company are little more than “ pilots“ In particular, vendor companies that sell artificial intelligence marketing solutions, healthcare solutions and financing solutions are merely trying things out.

Machine vision impact on Al

Machine learning and Al are limited by the fact that we are slow in the first place when we enter data as humans and make mistakes. The capture of data through image analysis and cameras is one of the fastest growing technologies. What prevents firms from adopting this concept of machine vision? Probably there are two things. One is a talent — people who can use image analysis in a useful way in business, people who can translate it into actionable, tangible results. The second problem is, how does one link these types of proposals to an existing business model that doesn‘t work that way?

There have been several alarms on the likelihood of AI reducing the workforce particularly those in easy-to-automate jobs. However, managers at different levels of the organization should adapt to the technology. The fact is that AI will soon undertake various tasks more accurately, cheaply and within the shortest time possible. Today, most managers spend majority of their time controlling and coordinating tasks at different levels. These are the tasks that will be handled by AI.

Machine learning and Al allows people to focus on other essential tasks and save their time as it carries out the relatively menial jobs by itself. Thus, many managers now prefer using Al to write their articles or draw graphs or tables, which in return allows them to control better and reporting functions of the management (Harris).

Many verdicts necessitate insight beyond what AI alone can compress. Managers refer to their knowledge on culture and history of the organization, ethics and empathy. That is the aspect of human judgment that is critical in business practices and decisions. Managers perceive judgment oriented skills based on experimentation and critical thinking as well as strategic development as the most important skills for the future.

Managers who embrace AI will recognize that there is no need to compete against the technology. Although it is obvious that the automation of human judgment is impossible, intelligent machines will fill this limitation by supporting decision making through search and data-driven simulations. Managers believe that the advice from the smart system will be used a basis for future decision making (Seewooruttun).

Kensho technologies, an investment analysis provider for the next generation is a company that tries to address these opportunities. The systems of the company allow for questions in English and to receive answers within a short period of time. Such a technology illustrates how managers will benefit from information that will impact decisions. AI will not only decrease the work of managers but also facilitate collegial interactions through conversations and other intuitive interfaces.

While managers ' creative skills are vital, their ability to harness the creativity of others is perhaps even more important Managers and designers combine various ideas in attractive and workable solutions. Designs are integrated organizations and team practices. Managers acknowledged the value of justice. However, they underestimate the profound social skills that are critical for cooperation, coaching and networking which will help them.

Problem Identification

Despite the numerous benefits associated with AI, there are concerns over its impact on the workforce. In a few decades, it has been predicted that millions of people will be unemployed due to AI systems. However, the entire social and economic system in entering a transformational phase where the government, markets, the education sector and social welfare will be severely interrupted.

Tasks, Jobs and Roles at Risk

Monotonous tasks are likely to be automated. For instance, tasks related to contact or call centers, documentation and content moderation are increasingly becoming digitized with fewer people. The same applies to the running and management of factories and production lines. People are likely to be replaced by robots that can perform complex tasks.

AI will also be able to handle certain complex activities that require data streams and processing in real time. An example is the use of AI to drive vehicles. Other sectors that will be directly affected include e-commerce, legal professionals, insurance, accountants, transport and financial services just to name a few.

Well accomplished A.I. system are capable of comprehending the requirements of the client in a language that accepted. It also identifies those above or implicit units (e.g., the services or products or related to requests made). Create an approximation of customer's intention early enough (e.g., whether they require to activate a service or need assistance); deal with relatively large volumes of data instantly and in such a manner that it implements company policy to identify the best possible outcome for all those involved.


Over the course of time, there will arise a situation wherein specific roles and jobs becoming less relevant and ultimately outdated. In most cases, however, artificial intelligence will have a supportive role for human beings by faciliating the management of critical and complex situations amoung human beings that require creative thought and judgment. At the same time, there will be numerous new positions and specializations that will focus on science and technology. For instance, highly educated professionals will migrate from their traditional roles and will handle or supervise or coordinate the learning process of sophisticated artificial intelligence systems in a manner that it retains its integrity, objectivity, safety, and proper utilization (Dutton).

The Automation Revolution will usher in a new evolving economy, inventiveness and well- being that will be through undeniable assumptions and once this first disruption which has occurred due to technological idleness. Monotonous, restricted value jobs will no longer bind human beings. The underlying labor force and employment models will migrate from sustainable, overall employment deals to active, subjective premium services.

The positive scenario mentioned above will work only if one establishes a kind common understanding amongst the people regarding the role of the technology, the opportunities that will be presented, as well as the underlying risks. Companies must adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape while ensuring that they are flexible and can create environments that allow for lifelong learning, innovations, collaboration, and entrepreneurship mindset. Nations need to come up with improved education policy, in which they strongly need to reconsider the functioning of organizations, employment contracts and markets in the brave new world of intelligent automation; perhaps they require to reconfigure cultural processes to cater for new simulations and situations.

We have to come up with a robust framework, including both higher as well as the lower levels, to ensure there is no unbalanced concentration of technological influence and authority.

Early AI technologies and the ongoing AI revolution are forcing organizations to reassess numerous strategies that have been established. Recently the companies have taken up the ideology that instead of appointing perhaps the most suitable candidate for a given task, many multinationals now however primarily focus on improving fitness and versatility, keeping the focus on the idea that specific roles must evolve in conjunction with the execution of AI. The notion that we are going to create a near perfect, impartial AI is a utopian but unreal paradigm. The difficulty is that although an AI is a blank canvas, it learns from people of a civilization that does have preconceptions and prejudices, like letters passing through a rock.

Training on- the- the job has become more important for making the transition people into better roles as new methods are developed. The purpose of HR is gradually moving away from its core monitoring and recruitment and training function that can be done more competently using Big Data and AI software, to a more significant commitment to improving actual staff experience in an increasingly contingent workforce. The integration of relatively early artificial intelligence techniques also leads to much more participatory and team-oriented entities than traditional hierarchical structures.

As AI becomes more advanced, representatives will ultimately have to determine where and when to justify staying, which chores are ideally suited for machines and which can be achieved most competently by combining the two. On a daily basis, we come across various news headlines stating: robots and AI are going to take over jobs. This is more along the lines fiction rather than a concrete fact. AI is a thought process, so developed that it will encourage a step by step evolution in the labor market that will be positive with the right preparation. People will still work, but will now do their tasks better with the help of AI. In the workforce of the future, there will be a never thought of before combination of man and machine, which will eventually become the norm.

The deliberate integration of AI within our society will have a positive impact on both our living mannerisms as well as make the businesses more efficient. Some of the routine chores, which include conventional and time-consuming activities, for example answering emails and entering data, will be handled, intelligent assistants. The rise and acceptance of smart homes will also allow for reducing energy consumption and provide better security, marketing will be more focused, and better health care practices will be offered as the diagnosis will become easier (Fekety).

AI can be viewed as a source of advantage within society, as machines can become more intelligent and efficient over time. Also, one should be aware of the fact that the computers are not something that is predisposed to carry the same likelihood of error as humans. Also from an energy standpoint, AI can also be used to evaluate and historical research data on how to efficiently distribute energy loads from a grid perspective.

There are numerous advantages that a user gains by deploying AI and machine learning in their business. The advancements in this field allow the corporations to focus on more critical tasks and free up the time of their employees to focus on inventiveness and working on ideas that otherwise seemed far-fetched or could not be a part of their busy schedule and lives (Reddy).

Moreover, by adopting AI in daily life, the businesses would be able further to save their time and money by merely automating routine actions and tasks. Thereby, enhancing productivity as well as functional efficiency, making taking decisions related to the business a quicker process, solely based on cognitive technology outputs. This will allow users to avoid errors which will include ' human errors,' provided that intelligent systems are correctly set up to predict and better offer customer preferences. Personalized experience mines massive amounts of data to generate quality leads and increase the cost savings of one’s customers base. By streamlining one’s business, and staff or one’s products, one will be able to boost their earnings by recognizing and optimizing business opportunities, actually increasing one’s competence by assessing and providing thoughtful advice and support. (Writer)

Computerized methods of thinking, learning and reasning are today a  familiar phenomenon. We have got to help out friends and relatives in trouble. We are also on the road with GPS for long drives and excursions. The smartphone is an illustration of how artificial intellugences has taken root in apt and routine tasks. In services, we found that they would predict what we will be attempting to convey and rectify grammatical errors. This is machine brainpower in the work environment.

However, on paper, the deployment of AI for day to day transactions seems fantastic, with the everything that comes into existence, there is permanently the anxiety of making it work in the real-time world. Numerous things can and will go wrong once AI becomes a part of the human life and governs how the organizations conduct their dealings.

The costs of upkeep and repair are one of the main downsides of artificial intelligence. Programmes must be restructured to encounter the varying requirements and machines must be made more intelligent. In the instance of an interruption, the restoration costs can be very high. Missing code or data recovery actions can be time-consuming and expensive (Forbes Technology Council).

It is alleged that cleverness is a flair of nature. There remains an ethical argument about whether or not human intelligence should be imitated. Thus, the inquiry that is always on the mind of some people is whether AI will replace what the humans do and whether or not will that lead to a decrease in the number of jobs, in an already scarce job market, for the humans. As we know, machines perform routine and repeatable tasks far better than human beings.

Also, technologies are used as an alternative to humans, to increase their cost-effectiveness in companies. If machines start substituting people in all areas, they sooner or later lead to redundancy. There will be not anything left for people to do. There will be so much empty time, that it will have a damaging use. Thinking machines oversee all fields and hold the positions of people, leaving thousands of individuals jobless.  (Martin)

Ethics and moral values are an essential concern in the application of artificial intelligence. Is it ethically accurate to produce human replicas? Is it possible for our moral values to recreate intelligence? Intelligence is nature's gift. It might not be right to install it in a machine to help us. Also, because of the reduced need to use people's intelligence, lateral thinking and multi-tasking skills can be curtailed. With so much help from machines, there may come a time wherein people may limit the use of their thinking skills, thereby ensuring that skills will gradually deplete over time. When artificial intelligence is heavily applied, people can become overly dependent on machines and lose their mental capacity.

The idea of machines that replace people sounds fantastic. However, is it exciting to think that it will save us all from the pain? Ideas such as performing duties with dedication, sense of pride and dilligence do not exist with artificial intelligence. Imagine hospital robots offereing various services. Do you imagine them showing compassion and the appropriate care as human doctor and nurses do? Can one possibly imagine of a time where the online virtual assistants (avatars) will be able to deliver services which are at par that of a person? There are certain concepts like those of care, understanding, and unity, the depth of which cannot be fully understood by machines, which is why they always lack the human touch, how intelligent they become (Wilson, Daugherty and Morini-Bianzino).

In addition to all of the disadvantages mentioned above of AI, there has always been a persistent fear that a day will come when the robots will finally supersede people. In an ideal world, it should be people who remain the captains of machines. However, if through any means the things turn the other way around, the world will become a chaotic mess. Intelligent machines can also be more intelligent than we are now, they may oppress us and then start governing the world. Artificial intelligence should be understood to have several advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Before using it for human convenience, its benefits and risks should be carefully weighed. Alternatively, man can destroy himself in the greed to play God.


So far, we have come across the pros and cons of using AI in the business world, but how does one exactly go about to make sure that their ideas and approaches are executed in a style that is not only efficient but cost effective as well (Institute). We know, that using AI to conduct day to day business is not a cheap task, however, there are always some means to an end. So how does one exactly come to these methods? (Kolbjørnsrud, Amico and Thomas)

Currently, the managers are facing a shortage of true analytical talent, a field that is bound to be overtaken by AI in the coming years. In such a situation it becomes necessary for the leaders to ensure that they as well as their organization is well equipped to handle the human part of this area when the AI takes over (Rosenberg). To achieve this, the managers must take some steps including, starting early. Managers must carry out tests with AI and employ their intuitions to the next experiment cycle in order to navigate in an uncertain future.

Embracing new critical indicators that have an impact on the performance which ultimately drives its approval. AI will introduce radically new criteria for success: collaboration, data sharing, experimentation, trying to learn and efficiency in decision- making as well as the capacity to surpass the perspectives of the organization. Work out on creativity, collaboration, empathy and judgment training, and hiring methods. Leaders should be able to cultivate an assorted group of employees along with a team of managers who will bring a balance with their experience with creative and social intelligence aboard, complementing each other in order to back up a reasonable collective evaluation. (Joshi, Stewart and Shapiro)

Before deciding to make the AI system accessible for all,  it becomes the duty of the companies to carry out accurate pre-release tests to make sure that the software users do not, under any circumstances, inflate the preexisting bias and errors which may be a result of the training data, algorithms or other technique design elements. Since this is a field that undergoes a prompt transformation, the procedures and the initial assumptions by which these tests are conducted, together with the outcomes should be published and made available to the public with an allowance for new findings and updates.

Following the introduction of AI systems, organization should continue assess assess their use in different environments and contexts. The methods used in their assessment as well as the results should be open, academically acceptable and accountable to the public. The opinions and perspectives of traditionally marginalized societies must be prioritized, particularly in high- stakes policymaking contexts.

There is still a need to carry out further research and deciding on the use of AI systems in the management and surveillance of workplaces, which involves both the facets of HR and recruitment. This research is needed as it complements the most burning issue, i.e., on the replacement of workers through automation. Particular attention needs to be paid to the likely impact on worker's rights and methods and, in particular, the likelihood of behavioral suppression and the inadvertent bolstering of recruitment and publicity prejudices.

Develop standards to track the origin, development, and use of data sets during their entire life cycle. This is necessary to understand better and monitor bias and skew issues. In addition to creating better records for the creation and maintenance of a training dataset, social scientists and estimation experts in the area of AI bias studies should closely monitor existing training data sources and continue working to comprehend potential blind spots and preconceptions that might very well be at work.

New senior management and transparency structures must also follow ethical codes targeted at propelling the AI area. More work is required on how vital ethical and moral principles and procedures for good practice can be substantially related to common development methods, promotion and product launch cycles.

Implementation Ideas

Thus, so far in this paper, numerous issues that can arise due to the usage of AI by the corporations to reduce the workload of their employees, as well to create a system that allows them to work on hiring and economic issues, and work on future predictions have been discussed. Throughout this paper, the one theme that has been constant is the fact that, no matter how much the managers, as well as the employees, want to deny it, AI will overtake the humans in many fields. Which will then led to developing new career paths that will allow them to utilize the resources at their disposal to make themselves more efficient? However, while putting a plan into motion, there are some things need to be considered before acting upon it. These factors include recommendations of all of those who are actively involved in the implementation process as well as those who will face the direct impact of said changes in their lives.

Companies will require access to financing and value chains for larger organizations to which they can provide data and services based on AI. AI requires substantial financial investment to develop core technologies and applications; Big Data to train and develop machine intelligence, and a variety of talents to equip smart technology with human cognition and empathy. Combinations of technologies, multiple data and interdisciplinary skills — these do not have a single player. Smaller companies may be at a handicap, in particular regarding data access.

In addition to supporting innovation ecosystems by governments, there are additional challenges for sustainable growth in AI that policymakers can help tackle. Responsible AI to describe five principles that help to foster trust and deal with unintended consequences, unintended bias and the challenges of compliance. Honesty, transparency, fairness, accountability and human centricity are the following principles. These elements are essential for the protection of employees, customers and citizens ' interests and confidence.

Although AI has been a part of the economic and the business ecosystem for quite some time now, it is of recent advancements in the field of big data and related technology that it has become more commonplace. However, it is not something that has transpired instantaneously. Years of planning and execution have been put to work, to make sure that something like this exists in the future. The immediate goal of adopting AI is to ensure that people are not misguided anyhow and keep it in their minds, that it is their use of technology that will determine the way it reacts. One has to be careful while supplying information to it because the output cannot be controlled, but the input can be managed.

Similarly, the short-term goals associated with it to make it less expensive to use and more accessible and commonplace, so that the small businesses do not lose out to the large corporations in the race to become the best in this field. Moreover, it needs to be created in a language that can be understood by the common man and not by just sure technological experts. Creating an easily accessible technology at the relatively low cost is the short-term goal.

The long-term problems that will arise will be due to the safety and security of the data that is being handed to the AI currently. To ensure that the AI future ready, large volumes of data is being fed to it, without a thought about the safety and security of the same. It is no surprise that of late the newspapers are filled with articles on the acts of data breach and identity theft. The companies rushing to win this race have forgotten that they need to put in place adequate safety measures so that the consumers do not feel threatened and do not have to risk any data loss or personal information. Security and moral values of the AI are the few sectors that will require continuous work, both short-term as well as long-term.

Depending on our decisions as a community, we can move towards a more beautiful future with economic stability, leisure, and creativity— or economic/social unrest and robot upheavals. The idea that the integration of AI with business is the future of this industry goes to show further that we are gradually becoming a part of a society that is mostly dependent on technology to carry out tasks. Before AI become the mainstream, the whole idea was to make human lives relatively easier and make data tracking comfortable. However, the growth with technology allows the humans to incorporate AI in the day to day tasks while making sure that none of their values are compromised.

AI will come across as an idea that may hurt the jobs because of many people with high caliber are a part of mundane tasks. Once AI overtakes these jobs, the humans will be able to devote adequate time and energy in creating ideas and tools that will further improve the quality of their life. The progress in this field is nothing to be afraid of; preferably it is something to embrace and work with, as it has been created to help us and make our lives more comfortable and reach the heights of human potential, which in turn will allow them to help those who seek them out.


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