The History of Indian Art

Shiva on His Vimana (Aircraft) with Himalaya, Folio 53

from the Shiva Rahasya

The Shiva on His Vimana (Aircraft) With Himalaya, Folio 53 is a painting from the year 1827.

The painting consists of spirals of indigo edged in gold roil in the sky above which is above a landscape that is filled with temples. The painting is an illustration of the history and artistic legacy of the Rathore dynasty. The art is a representation of centuries of the creation of art in the kingdom of Marwar-Jodhpur.

The painting is an iconic artwork from the paintings collection of Shiva Rahasya.

The left section of the painting

is an illustration of the marbles palace of Shiva. It is in Shiva’s castle that he and Parvati who happens to be Shiva’s consort are having a conversation with Mena and Himalaya. The right-hand side of the art illustrates Shiva’s ride on his aircraft, he takes Himalaya on his Vimana (aircraft) which is golden and also has a peacock’s head. The clouds in the painting have a snail’s shell shape and they are coloured in dark blue which a golden outer layer. The landscape is dotted with temples, trees and rivers. There are also a number of people who can be spotted on land. The painting shows the rich fertile land of Jodhpur and the lifestyle of the communities.

The main aim of the artist

was to illustrate how the people of Jodhpur led their lives, they were religious people as there are many temples in the painting and they were also lovers of nature as the land is covered in green and there are a number of water streams. Looking at the painting gives one a sense of satisfaction, there is so much going on in the art but the artist mastered a way of sending a clear message without crowding the painting. The artwork is a representation of the history of Indian painting and the history of Jodhpur.

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