The Hidden Reason For Poverty

For over 50 years, global poverty reduction programs

have been directed towards easing factors that exacerbate poverty such as; discrimination, lack of education, overpopulation, disease and environmental factors. However, the unsought solution to poverty – stopping violence, is a factor that renders the poverty reduction programs counterproductive. This paper looks at how violence increases poverty and how strengthening criminal justice institutions can help solve the problem of poverty.

The Hidden Reason for Poverty

Gary Haugen's talk on, "the hidden reason for poverty that the world needs to address," is a new perspective on issues that exacerbate poverty. Without criticizing efforts of global aid, he gives an insight on what makes the struggle for poverty reduction counterproductive trough the stories of a woman from Zambia, a girl for Guatemala and a gentleman from South Asia, who are facing different kinds of everyday violence (Haugen, 2015). He posits that violence impedes the efforts of aid in poverty reduction and argues that anti-poverty programs do not seek to alleviate violence or ensured that those who cause violence are brought to justice.

Haugen’s emendation to poverty

is creating a peaceful environment to ensure that those affected by violence can rip from the poverty programs. According to Haugen, strengthening of institutions of criminal justice to focus on the violence against the power is a milestone towards the solution of poverty(Haugen, 2015). Providing basic need, in the name of aid, is one thing and ensuring that those who these programs are directed to access them is another thing.

The complexity of Social Class, Poverty, Discrimination

The complexities of social class and discrimination are significant in understanding poverty(G. A. Haugen " Boutros, 2015). In developing countries, basic public services are disintegrated to the disadvantage of the power, and thus their efforts to eradicate poverty are exercises in futility. Law is neutral and only work if it is provoked to one's favor. Those in low social status live below the line of protection because they do not have the "necessities" to provoke the law. Discrimination on social status prevent equal dissemination of basic human needs and prevent the society form deliberating on social issues due to lack of support and goodwill from the rich.

Interconnections Among Race, Ethnicity, Age, Gender, and Schooling

The society has conventional means of achieving social status, but due to discrimination, those in low social class do not get equal opportunities as those in the high social class to advance this societal goal(Sanusi" Nass Sani, 2012). Discrimination with regards to age, sex, ethnicity, race, or religion enhances segregation, which secludes others from gaining access to opportunities and fundamental needs to fully actualize beyond the poverty lines. When the poor are denied access to education, they are also denied the means of gaining skills that could help them acquire opportunities to work and earn a living.


Violence against the power is one important issue that anti-poverty programs do not address. Strengthening the criminal justice systems to ensure that violence is not meted on the poor and perpetrators are brought to justice will ensure that efforts made by anti-poverty programs do not go to waste. Anti-poverty programs should also give a precise framework how they will overcome everyday violence and reach their intended persons.


Haugen, G. (2015). The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now. Retrieved from

Haugen, G. A., " Boutros, V. (2015). The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence (Reprint edition). Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.

Sanusi, A., " Nass Sani, H. (2012). Theoretical Analyses of the Relationship between Poverty and Insecurity in Africa.

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