The Four Principles of Scientific Management

Scientific management

Scientific management is a concept that focuses on analyzing and synthesizing workflows to improve economic efficiency and labor productivity. It is considered one of the earliest attempts to apply science to engineering processes. This article describes the four main principles of scientific management. You'll also learn about Fordism, Taylorism, and the Time and motion study.

Taylor's four principles of scientific management

Scientific management is a management philosophy that was first developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor. It advocated the optimization and standardization of jobs, and encouraged the close cooperation between management and workers. It was first introduced during the industrial revolution, during which productivity increased tremendously. This concept continues to influence management theory today. Taylor was born to a rich Quaker family in Philadelphia and trained as an engineer. He spent time in the steel industry and developed his theories about the benefits of scientific management.Taylor's principles of scientific management are based on maximizing the earnings of every worker, as well as the efficiency of the organization. These principles are essentially about making decisions based on data, rather than on opinion or rule of thumb. This methodology aims to increase productivity and profits by promoting employees' initiative and encouraging them to work efficiently.


The idea of a single right way to do something is the core of the Taylorism in scientific management theory. However, this theory stands at odds with current approaches to management, including Management By Objectives, Continuous Improvement initiatives, Business Process Reengineering, and other tools. These approaches advocate individual responsibility and push decision-making through all levels of an organization.In practice, Taylorism has a number of negative impacts. It reduces worker autonomy and increases the chance of injury due to strain. It also discourages creativity and experimentation. Additionally, workers' feelings are often ignored, resulting in dull and repetitive work.


The use of Fordism in scientific management has a number of benefits. For one, it encourages employees to specialize in a specific area. This not only simplifies their jobs but improves their knowledge as well. This system is also great for organizations that use labor intensive processes, such as the assembly line. It can provide employees with job security and full-time employment.Fordism gained popularity in the early twentieth century. It aimed to eliminate social hierarchies and subordinate society to technical rationality. Its influence spread across the world, and it found an enthusiastic adherent in Vladimir Lenin, who implemented Fordism in the Soviet Union. During the 1930s and into the 1970s, however, many Marxists abandoned Taylorism in favor of Fordism. Though Fordism enjoyed its heyday after WWII, it later began to decline in popularity.

Time and motion study

Time and motion study is a technique for analyzing the efficiency of human activities. It has been used in factories and banks to reduce wastage and increase sales. It can also be used to improve working conditions and introduce incentives for workers. Its advantages include the reduction of costs and time. It can also help determine the right skill sets needed for a particular job.The time and motion study process was first developed by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. The process of motion study is an extension of Taylor's scientific management ideas. While Taylor's book is credited as the first management textbook, many believe that Gilbreth was the first to develop this method. The two Gilbreths applied their observations to their bricklaying contracting business and achieved results that were impossible to ignore.


Thriftiness is an important factor in scientific management. It means that the employer and the employee have mutually beneficial interests. It is impossible for one to have prosperity without the other. Both the employer and the employee are benefited when labor costs are low. This principle is the backbone of scientific management.

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