Crime and Justice
Crime is an infringement of the law which deserves correction, and the exercise of fairness is what is referred to as justice. There is a tie that joins poverty, law-breaking and even issues related to the wellbeing of individuals, which lead to dangerous societal drawback. Modifications that are most essential include; being keen to and communicating on matters of unfairness whenever it is witnessed or experienced by publicans. Each government ought to offer recompense to the vindicated, and establishments that fight for impartiality in the criminal justice structure should be maintained.
Perceptions of Poverty
Diana George uses a condescending tone at the beginning which later changes to solemn tone towards the end as she explains that poverty is not the worst thing on earth as the society believes it to be. Images used in her explanations to society’s misrepresentation of poverty that only points out a limited perspective of their understanding include; skeleton youngsters and appearances of extreme sorrow. Organizations tend to portray the vilest of the matter anticipated that individuals would extend a helping hand and contribute to their developments. George believes that poverty is all around individuals and it is not just those who look impoverished or are homeless or walk with torn clothes which can be identified as poor. She believes that charity organizations only tend to give poverty a wrong face by making people believe they can eradicate it by giving money to these organizations. Poverty, according to George, can arise to anybody at whatever period and homelessness is just a subcategory of the menace. Some theories and ideas she presents in her texts on how to eradicate poverty are by educating masses on facts concerning the matter and also, the government to create awareness to people on the same. Cultural beliefs about homeless people being drug addicts and criminals are what is still assumed in today’s American society, and in most cases, youths receive the blame (Glick).
Works Cited
Glick, Katie. Diana George-Changing the Face of Poverty. 25 September 2013. 13 February 2018.