The Destruction of the World

The Destruction of the Perfect World

The poem provides an intriguing topic of how the human beings have destroyed the world that was originally perfect. People were given this world when everything was in order such that they could all things freely. Everybody was living happily in such a world where there was minimal competition for the resources. Unfortunately, people took it for granted and discontent started where the earthly mind began rumbling. Individuals develop negative thoughts that led to the destruction of the world.

The Desire to Fulfill Needs

The destruction was based on the desire of people to fulfill their needs. This was triggered by the aspects of jealousy, hatred, envy, greed, and fear. All the people participated in this and have created a new world from what they were given at started. The process started slowly and it has progressed over the generations.

An Eye Opener for Society

The poem is creating an eye opener for the society to focus on addressing its evils, which it is establishing throughout. Such is because these issues will continue to be experienced from one generation to another as more and more evils deeds are invented. The action will result into the attainment of failure and not the success of the group in society. There are several instances of conflict, which are experienced in the community. Individuals are engaging in structural systems and ways that have made it complex for themselves to enjoy life while in planet earth. The communities are also challenging each other on the mighty abilities of people in the execution of the roles and responsibilities at home. Such is because they have actively contributed to the destruction of the environment and living space has granted to them by the creator.

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