the Bluetooth Speaker System

Bluetooth speaker systems are gradually developing a reputation for their emotional importance. The wireless speaker system uses Bluetooth technologies to enable users to monitor their desired audio material within the transmission range. Furthermore, some versions of speaker systems have rechargeable batteries. This makes the speaker system compact, allowing it to be used everywhere, both inside and outside the home. Bluetooth speaker systems often have a built-in amplifier, which produces superior sound quality than standard speakers on cell phones and is therefore favoured by many people for their entertainment needs. As a result of their sentimental value and endless possibilities, this paper seeks to define and explain Bluetooth speaker system, their operation process, user description and safety precautions.

Description of Bluetooth Speaker System

Bluetooth speaker systems are audio devices that use a wireless connection to connect to Bluetooth equipped devices (Graves, 2016). The speaker systems allow users to enjoy the media on their smartphones, tablets and other equipped devices when they pair their devices with the speakers and use playback option. Moreover, users can control the sound quality, volume, and connection within a given wireless range without having actually to do it manually. A Bluetooth receiver is embedded in the speaker systems, such that when the speaker system is powered it will immediately broadcast its identifier (Griffin, 2017).

When a Bluetooth equipped device is on the range within the wireless limit, about thirty feet, the device can be able to pair with the speaker system. This is manually done by simply opening the Bluetooth settings on the device and tapping the receiver display to pair or unpair with the apparatus. However, current technology allows users to pair automatically when in range after initial pairing. The receiver is programmed such that it should automatically configure with a device that was initially paired with it. Usually, a transmitter from the host device sends a radio frequency to the receiver embedded electronically in the speaker system. The receiver upon receiving the signal transmits the audio, shared, content to an onboard amplifier that is relayed as quality sound to the listener via the loudspeakers (Griffin, 2017).

Fig1. Bluetooth Speaker System.

Its Uses and Benefits

Bluetooth speaker system is used to play different music from media devices that are equipped with the Bluetooth technology, all while maintaining an independent control of volume. It is admirably used for streaming music (Graves, 2016). Furthermore, they are portable speakers that are either rechargeable or have embedded batteries that can be replaced once their output is relatively lower for better sound quality. This enables the device to be connected on the go for music listening while outside the house. Modern cars have inbuilt Bluetooth audio, speaker systems that are usually used to answer and make calls while driving. The driver has to pair their mobile devices with the speaker system, and instead of receiving a phone call, the driver is at liberty to use the speaker system. Some Bluetooth speaker systems come equipped with built-in microphones, and therefore, one can use the speaker to accept calls from them (Graves, 2016).

Bluetooth speaker systems are beneficial in several ways. Bluetooth speaker systems offer great quality sounds with the use of data encoding technology like aptX that conserve more of the source audio content, therefore, resulting in an excellent quality of the compatible systems (Consumer Repair Department, 2014). The receiver embedded in the system usually remembers the signal of previously connected devices, and as such, it is generally a one-time connection procedure. Also, it is quite handy in circumstances where multiple users require to use the same speaker system to stream their media content. As a result, it can pair up to eight different portables hence preferred by many, especially for in-home use. This enables simultaneous pairing of several devices and quick alternation from one source to another (Griffin, 2017).

Additionally, some Bluetooth speaker system has Near Field Communications(NFC) that allows fast connection without manual process of pairing (Graves, 2016). An instant connection is achieved through proximity with a Bluetooth enabled device. Lastly, when used during extreme conditions and outdoor activities, the Bluetooth speaker systems are shockproof, water-resistant and also dust resistant. This enables the devices to handle cases of wear and tear that may be encountered during its use.

Considerations and Safety Precautions.

Several technical considerations are essential for the knowledge of the user accessing the Bluetooth speaker system. Moreover, safety precautions are necessary to ensure the user is aware of all the hazards that might occur when using the system so as to have the experience intended by the designer of the system. Foremost, some software environments such as Android that are used in connecting the device have an open source system. This means that they are free for developers to innovate freely and improve the connection. However, other software environments such as Apple iOS uses proprietary platform whereby users are limited to improving the connection and can only purchase the device (Griffin, 2017). Bluetooth devices are mostly a common interface where any other device that is wirelessly enabled can connect to it. When buying such speaker systems, it is essential it input protective passwords so as to enable integrated control. Importantly, it is preferable before buying this system to confirm their quality as counterfeit could pose several risks, especially to minors.


Consumer Repair Department. (2014). Portable Rechargeable Bluetooth Speaker. iHome Retrieved from

Graves, R. (2016). Bluetooth for Home and Car Audio. Crutchfield. Retrieved from

Griffin, M. (2017). Other Technical Considerations When Choosing a Wireless Audio System. Wren Audio System. Retrieved from:

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